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What is up with the youtube and facebook guidelines? - Printable Version

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What is up with the youtube and facebook guidelines? - Jared - 04-28-2013 08:40 PM

Okay, I will first start this off with saying that I am 13 which how old you have to be to have accounts on these sites, I've had 2 youtubes since I was 9 and 2 facebooks since I was 11. I know that 9 is pretty young, but by 11 I knew pretty much every single thing about the adult world you could know, and it hasn't affected me at all, and by now I don't think much has changed since then, so what about being 13 makes me different from how I was at those ages? I got into a lot of arguments with these annoying adults telling me to get off, and possibly the most annoying was one when I was 12 with this user named Manlypuffs who told me to come back when I was 13. Well, I'm 13 now, and what has changed? NOTHING! I do not say swear words all the time, and I do not copy the things I see in inappropriate videos (besides, I've learned more about the adult world from kids at my school then I have from youtube and facebook) so this is actually multiple questions
1. What makes 13 year olds any different from 12 year olds?
2. Why do adults want respect from kids when they act like such idiots over the internet
4. Why doesn't youtube change their age limit to 11?
and 5. is there ANYONE else that knows that numbers are imaginary and not everyone is the same because of their age?

- Guus - 04-28-2013 08:51 PM

For some young children facebook and some youtube videos might be inappropriate. On average at about the age of 13 it becomes appropriate. So indeed not everyone is the same. but they simply don't want to take any chances.
Oh and BTW, to avoid that sort of things I made sure my age was 21 on all my acounts when I was 16.

- Kay - 04-28-2013 08:54 PM

They're in the US; they have to obey US law: They've chosen to obey it by excluding children under 13.

Go argue with your senator and representative.