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Why is it that I hate everything about myself? - Printable Version

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Why is it that I hate everything about myself? - Jordan - 04-28-2013 11:16 PM

A lot of my friends and family notice that I always talk bad about myself.

Basically I look at my myself in the mirror and think 'how can any girl find that attractive?' or when I talk to girls I just assume they look at me and think oh wow you're ugly and boring.

I know Im self conscious etc

One day my mum broke down and cried saying she was sick of me saying this kind of stuff, because Im not any of these things.

Dont get me wrong I have a lot of friends. But, im known as the nice, shy guy who treats women well and respects them. I am not confident at all and when i go out i feel as though everyone is looking at me etc.

Im also 20, still a virgin, only had 1 girlfriend and only ever kissed 2 girls...

I am in the middle.

- Allison - 04-28-2013 11:17 PM

HeySmile you're super hot. Really. I'm also really critical of myself, people tell I'm gorgeous and I look at myself and find something to complain about. It's a low self esteem thing and I've been working on it since...a while haha. I like guys like you, cuz it's a relief when a guy actually treats me with respect. It doesn't matter if you're 20 and a virgin! I'm 14 and a virgin. You can't measure your self worth or how you feel about yourself based on how you look or how many girls you've dated!!! Be happy hunSmile

- Melanie - 04-28-2013 11:23 PM

You are definitely not bad looking at all!! You're pretty attractive, and girls do like shy guys. Seriously, forget about the whole dating scene for a while. You need to love yourself, before you can love someone else and be me on that one. Focus on yourself, your schoolwork, set goals, and do what you love--sports, clubs, whatever. Get involved..volunteer or get a job (idk if youre in college)- you will learn those social skills really quickly when you're forced to!! Once you can be happy with yourself and be confident, then go with the flow and you just might meet that special person... or not for a while, but you will eventually. Good luck(: one cares if you're a virgin at 20..its really not that big of a deal, honestly i think it gives you class..

- Genesis - 04-28-2013 11:34 PM

Find things you like about yourself....... Just be confident.
Big Grin Plus some girls like shy guys like me...