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Which party do I fit in the most? - Printable Version

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Which party do I fit in the most? - JJ - 10-12-2012 08:26 AM

Would I have more luck in the Republican Democrat or Libertarian Party?

Fiscally, I'm a free market, laissez-faire, let the chips fall where they may, libertarian. The federal government should only do the tasks specifically laid out on the constitution. Cut out all the social programs. Our military shouldn't be used to interfere in disputes between two other countries. Our military should only defend our boarders from an invasion or retaliate an attack, not police the world. We should stop all discretionary spending. Balance the budget, pay off the national debt.

Socially, I'm mixed. I with the republicans on unborn rights and guns. I'm with the left on decriminalizing substances, don't agree with the moral crusade against porn, totally for net neutrality and reducing length of copyrighting media. Don't agree with circumcising infants, as they aren't at an age to consent.

I'm a Christian but support science education. I'm for the ceremonial deism, "In God We Trust" "One Nation Under God" but I think going father than that is probably too far. Education should be controlled at the local and state level.

In 2000 and 2004 I was for Bush. In 2008 I was for Huckabee because I thought he could win, extremely reluctantly voted for McCain/Palin. This year I voted for Ron Paul and may just sit out the November election.

Which party would fit me best?

- widerailway546 - 10-12-2012 08:35 AM


- mariah - 10-12-2012 08:35 AM

Umm I'm a libetarrian but I'm unsure your a full on liberal. I think you sound a little more on the republican side.

- SHIRAZZ - 10-12-2012 08:35 AM

you are a lying libtard

- Kody Taylor - 10-12-2012 08:35 AM

Honestly, you're kinda like me. We straddle the fence and have our own beliefs. Just because we may claim the Republican or Democratic party doesn't mean we absolutely feel that we HAVE to vote for our party just like everyone else...we vote for who we think would do the best job for America. To me, you sound more Conservative than Liberal.

You believe in alot more Conservative aspects than you do Liberal.

- Kalos - 10-12-2012 08:35 AM

You are a Republican on the issues that matter.

Not every Republican is for wars that don't affect America, and not every Democrat is against them.

The Libertarian Party is not going to win an election any time soon, so your best bet is to stick with the Republicans. You don't have to be a 'team player' and agree with every single thing in the Republican platform to be a Republican.

- HarryPotterGuru - 10-12-2012 08:35 AM

These tests are both unaffiliated with any parties. They were both pretty accurate for me.