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Pew Research says liberals more likely to unfriend over political differences? True or False? - Printable Version

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Pew Research says liberals more likely to unfriend over political differences? True or False? - Xtra - 04-29-2013 02:47 AM

Its a conservative paper "The Daily Caller," but they put the article on yahoo news, and its not a right-leaning organization. I questioned the validity of the source I used last night so I deleted it.
You think this is bogus or true?

- who? - 04-29-2013 02:51 AM

I think it has logic behind it. Liberals have a way...

- daddio - 04-29-2013 02:59 AM

True in my experiences

- ingsoc1 - 04-29-2013 03:15 AM

true or false do cons lead lonely lives and get defriended alot on facebook

- shortguitar972 - 04-29-2013 03:18 AM

In my experience liberals don't really care as much about politics as they do other things, and aren't as convicted of their views as conservatives.

- Dubyah - 04-29-2013 03:21 AM

I've already lost a "friend" both through Facebook and in real life because I made fun of Mitt Romney, so I don't know if I'd say one's more likely to unfriend than the other.

- ahandle101 - 04-29-2013 03:27 AM

I would question what research methods they used as well as how they came about their sample group, just like I do with the liberals' stats.

I can make up stats just like any elitist research group. Watch this:

Studies show that 87% of Americans know that 95% of statistics are made up.

- Smarter Then You - 04-29-2013 03:35 AM

"In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS [social networking sites] because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates.” So, if you don't want to be seen as a liar you would say "28% of people considering themselves to be liberal have blocked people as opposed to 30% of other people".

- Foolishyear478 - 04-29-2013 03:43 AM

very true. Liberals act like children and are easily butt hurt.

- Only Cowards Block - 04-29-2013 03:53 AM

LOL So liberals are now more intolerant of the opinions of others. My what a surprise. Some of the typical postings of progressive liberals are:
I hate Republicans
Republicans are all stupid teabaggers
Republican Party should be outlawed
Republicans should all be deported
Republicans should be arrested.
About the dumbest item I have seen from a progressive though is