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Is there are conceivable reason why some of the websites I try to access go infernally slow while others dont? - Printable Version

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Is there are conceivable reason why some of the websites I try to access go infernally slow while others dont? - bigross86 - 04-29-2013 05:52 AM

Some of the websites I try to access, like Facebook and Yahoo! Mail sometimes take up to 15 minutes to load while most other websites I access open with normal speed.

- Dennis R - 04-29-2013 05:56 AM

System load of the webserver and/or network traffic in out of the webserver would be my guess.

Happy surfing!

- Ed - 04-29-2013 06:04 AM

Sometimes it has to do with the numbers trying to access at the same time.

- bizzie6cee - 04-29-2013 06:08 AM

Yahoo and Facebook are both highly trafficed sites. Their servers overload from too many people viewing and changing the pages, and everyone who's looking/working on the sites get infernally slow service. Other sites, like less trafficed google searches, go at the speed of your motem.

- Kerri O - 04-29-2013 06:18 AM

to be honest, check ur RAM and its lag time, under 2 is good under 1 is best... also, concider your connection... DSL, Cable? are u on a router/hub ?

Alot can ammount to it.... as well as the site itself, alot of compnaies that are internet based keep there records and files and EVERYTHING on that site, so those tend to lag most as well as photos... Like i said, it depends on alot. heh

- TRCDROM - 04-29-2013 06:22 AM

This could be for many reasons. Further diagnosis needs to be to identify the issues. Reasons could include:

1) Maybe at the moment you are looking to those sites your computer is slowing down for another reason (virus protection scan starting, etc...)

2)Maybe your ISP is slow at that moment for no specific reason (just busy)

3) Maybe your you/you ISP is slow to that site because of some misconfiguration somewhere on the Internet (e.g. bad routing tables somewhere, bad routers, etc...)

4) Maybe it is not on your end at all and the site your are visiting is very busy

5) Maybe it is not on your end at all and the something connected to the site your are visiting is misconfigured or broken (e.g. one server in a web farm is not working correctly and if you are lucky enough to be sent to that server you get poor or no performance while everyone else is getting good performance)

6) You ISP may be throttling your throughput to these sites (maybe to all sites)

7) One of a million other items

I would make use of tools like ping, tracert, nslookup, etc... to test connectivity, name reoslution, etc... to those specific websites as well as other sites you visit where the performance is good. I wold also make use of websites like to test the performance on your side

- Benjamin H - 04-29-2013 06:24 AM

Yahoo and facebook are pretty major sites, hosted on some major servers. It would take a pretty big occurrence to slow them down.

If you are using dial-up, or Satellite internet there can be significant performance bottlenecks if you aren't configured properly especially on secured sites (Those starting with HTTPS://) If this is the case check with your ISP... most likely the problem is with your MTU Threshold.

Another issue could be caching. Try emptying your cache. (In Internet Explorer go to Tools --> Delete Browsing History --> Delete Temporary Internet Files)