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8th grade social outfit :)? - Printable Version

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8th grade social outfit :)? - T - 04-29-2013 07:53 AM

I was wondering if u guys could help me with my eighth grade social outfit. I want it to be perfect so it would be really helpful if u would give me your opinion on my choices and go into detail about thing like hair, makeup , etc.

I want to have my hair in outward curls ( ) if I keep it long but could u give me Ideas for medium and short hair styles. Oh and I was thinking about doing the ombré effect on my hair to

I'm thinking about getting this dress :

I want the colors in my outfit to either be black and gold or black and blue. So could you give me some tips on makeup, shoes, and accessories. THANKS!! <3

- Epic - 04-29-2013 08:05 AM

I'm in the same grade and thinking about the exact same things. I absolutely love your dress and your curly hair idea, keep it long, because long is in style at my school, and well, lots of girls would kill for the long hair, and it might take a while to grow back.

The ombre effect would look gorgeous too.

For makeup, I think you should keep it a bit natural, because we're still young, but at the same time, make sure it goes well with the dress, and you. I'm not sure what you look like, so that's the best I can do. I think you should just wear a bit of eyeliner and mascara, and make sure your skin looks good, a bit of eyeshadow, and you'll be fine.

For accessories, try getting a bracelet and/or a necklace. Because the dress is a bit plain, you can always get some chain necklaces to bring it out. Add a bit of color too.

For shoes, I'd suggest maybe some black flats so that your feet don't get tired, but you're also looking good.