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Is hypocrisy satans most effective tool in deterring people from coming to CHRIST? - Printable Version

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Is hypocrisy satans most effective tool in deterring people from coming to CHRIST? - hollowrabbit179 - 04-29-2013 11:25 AM

For example ,so called CHRISTIANS kidnapping and enslaving people in the name of CHRIST,pointing they're nose up at the poor, condoning racism, condoning racial superiority, killing i the name of a Christ, and supporting the rich we know these are not CHRISTAN values but they are the faults that Havre green publicized

- frostitute - 04-29-2013 11:35 AM


- teejayniles - 04-29-2013 11:40 AM

wrong category -- Try another Social Media Network -- for Fundamentalists (Protestant) -- category "Tools of Satan"

- Marie - 04-29-2013 11:56 AM

When you look at all the tactics of Satan the whole aim is to divert, mislead and successful he has been at this, in fact the Bible mentions at 2 Corinthians 4:4 how he blinds people. It is as though he has put a veil over their minds to prevent the reality. As long as he can turn our attention away or have one sidetracked it doesn't matter what element he uses.

He has uses the commercial, political and false religion to get his desires accomplished. I say false religion because he gets people to believing concepts and doctrines that are not supported by the Bible and that gives a distorted view point. One does not have to succumb to such if we read, study and apply Bible teachings that will set us free from his influences.

I hope that you see that True Christianity is based on love of God and love for neighbor meaning all humans and if one is living this one principle of love it would rid the acts of kidnapping, racism and being false to who they really are. But remember this is only possible under God's direction and leading. If you want to know more on how to do so, please respond because this is only a briefing