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how can i start a conversation over facebook? - Printable Version

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how can i start a conversation over facebook? - amzzz17 - 04-29-2013 05:03 PM

I added the guy i like on facebook but i don't know what to say to him and I don't want it to be boring i know he loves rugby but i don't know what to say about it because i don't know anything about it. Any ideas? thanks in advance Smile x

- Karina Bb - 04-29-2013 05:16 PM

Talk to him as if you were talking to any other person, no pressure. Just casually start off a conversation with the usual stuff, and then to keep the conversation going bring up a topic of his interest, you said he likes a certain sport, so maybe bring up a game that was on recently?

As I said, treat it like your talking to one of your close friends, it's easier then being nervous!

- Aleksstar - 04-29-2013 05:32 PM

Just say "hi" to him. ad if he doesnt respond ask him whats him fav rugby team (then he will - i guarantee you). the rest of the convo will be easy Smile
or if he's in your school send him a message "ive seen you around school, and on the rugby team, wanna hang out sometime?"

or firstly maybe you should smile to him in school, or poke him on fb. Smile

Hope it helped.