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PC performance going bad? - Printable Version

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PC performance going bad? - Jason - 04-29-2013 07:37 PM

I upgraded my PC around aug. 2012 (adding a 550TI) and i played games like battlefield 3 at the high settings at 58-65 fps and it was really smooth. Recently i decided to play battlefield and the fps was 30-40 what is happening is this a graphic card problem? I have also been getting performance problems in other games to like gta4,minecraft and justcause 2. btw i also record and edit. What is happening an answer would be great thanks!

- Jason - 04-29-2013 07:37 PM

- Jewfro - 04-29-2013 07:52 PM

the problem most likely isn't your hardware. your computer is just getting bogged down with extra crap.
the following things can help improve performance.

Disk defrag. your hard drive is probably heavily fragmented and causing issues.
Registry clean and defrag. doing both of these things will help clear up issues and greatly improve respnsive.
Virus check. i know it seems dumb but you should do it weekly if you are on the internet during that week(even steam, facebook, and other things that coonect to the internet).
Uninstall any old useless programs you dont use or programs that are ad based or ad-supported. uninstall any toolbars hat you dont use.
Lastly if you have the money. get Tune-up Utilities. This program is fantastic and fixesmany issues as well as optimizing your computer for performance if you select the option.

i do all these things and they help any time i notice a drop in performance,