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How can I e-mail or speak to "customer service" concerning a problem an advertiser using - Printable Version

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How can I e-mail or speak to "customer service" concerning a problem an advertiser using - hadenough - 04-30-2013 02:44 AM

A company selling a fat burning drug, called "Raspberry Ketone", Is taking Family names from my Facebook account, and sending them to ME under my personal e-mail using THEIR names. I get two to four of these a day. Each time I open the link it is different, and each time the address is different. If I open the link, it shows the advertisement featuring Dr. Oz promoting this drug. Once opened it is hard to close. Once opened it shows an address of
It appears that they have the ad blocked so I can't send it to you. I can't find a way to contact them. This has to be a scam and Illegal.
I've tried to send a message to them using the same yahoo address that they use and it comes up as not valid.
Can You Help?? Thanks So Much, hadenough.

- john - 04-30-2013 02:50 AM

I do not know but I've been using raspberry ketone. The Weight was reduced, but not much.