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My friends computer has been diagnosed with a Trojan virus will i get infected? - Printable Version

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My friends computer has been diagnosed with a Trojan virus will i get infected? - cobaltsaber2 - 04-30-2013 03:33 AM

My friend has been diagnosed with a Trojan virus and i have this friend on msn, facebook etc. Will i get infected as well?

- Excessive MHz - 04-30-2013 03:41 AM

Just because you know them?

I don't follow your logic.

- 7rafe7 - 04-30-2013 03:53 AM

just dont download or export files from his computer to yours, you can still talk to him online though

- Terrance M - 04-30-2013 04:08 AM

Trojan viruses do not generally propogate automatically so you are at low risk to be infected, I would not worry about it.

To be safe, do not accept any links or files he sends you until the problem has been fixed.

Also to be even safer, install an anti-virus and anti-spyware software solution to scan and protect your system from infection in the future.

I recommend: AVIRA Free Anti-Virus and Spybot Search and Destroy.

Both can be found on

Hope this helps


- Angilee - 04-30-2013 04:20 AM

No....those are separate networks.........Not at all..

- ilknur K - 04-30-2013 04:34 AM

Tell you freind To Follow this instructions to Remove Virus in you Computer.

Restart You Computer Safe Mode with Networking

1. Log out and reboot your machine.

2. When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly.

3. Select Safe Mode with Networking from the resulting menu.

4. Login. If the malware has changed your password, try logging in as
Administrator. By default, Administrator has no password.

5. The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different.

Then in The Safe With Networking .Download by using Rkill press here

Download and Scan By Using Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware;mostPopTwoColWrap&cdlPid=10997763

Download and Scan By Using Super Anti-Spyware Press here

Download and Scan By using Norman Malware Cleaner Press here

Download ATF is a new, freeware, temporary file cleaner for Windows, IE, Firefox and Opera with a simple, easy-to-use interface.

The main screen allows the user to either clean all temporary files, or select files for cleaning. The program also knows if Firefox and or Opera is being used, and gives the option of cleaning the temporary files associated with those applications.

ATF Cleaner provides the user with a window showing the total bytes freed upon completion. The program is small (36kb), quick to run and no installation required. to Download ATF Cleaner press this link

6. When you're finished Remove Virus, Malware, Trojan, Worm,
virus rootkit and
Spyware log out and reboot back into normal mode. Please let me know if is worked

- nightdriver09 - 04-30-2013 04:36 AM

MSN is a problem, most of the other answers above are all good.

Yes, many trojans DO target the person's address book,

Find out the name of the trojan and do a Google on it, you are very likely to find the removal instructions, all for free.

- Jennifer - 04-30-2013 04:47 AM

Restart your computer and boot into safe mode. This can be accomplished by restarting the computer, pressing the F8 key as it starts up and choosing the "Safe Mode with Networking" option from the Windows boot menu.

Open a browser and visit an online virus scanning website that offers free virus scans for personal and home use. Two examples of such sites from major antivirus companies are included in the Resources section of this article. Run a full virus scan of your computer with this scanner and remove any Trojan files that are found.

Download and run an antimalware scan of your computer using a program like the one linked in the Resources section of this article. An antimalware program can detect certain types of Trojan files that antivirus programs aren't designed to detect and enables you to more fully scan and remove Trojan files from your computer.

Restart your computer once you finish with the scans and allow it to boot up normally. Run another set of antivirus and antimalware scans of your computer with Windows booted normally to ensure that there are no more Trojan files on your computer.

- vinith_04 - 04-30-2013 04:52 AM

Don't download any file from his system.

- computer addict - 04-30-2013 05:03 AM

It is possible so to protect yourself remove all protection you have and replace it with: Microsoft Security Essentials, adaware, spybot, and zonealarm firewall.

Oh, and here's a procedure to give to your friend to remove the virus:

To do the steps below is completely free.
Get rid of the virus through these steps:

0. Download CCleaner at
1. Download MalwareBytes, Avira AntiVir, and Spybot, at
2.Update them
3.Restart your computer
4. Press F8 right when your computer powers up.
5.Select Safe Mode.
6. Disable System Restore.
7.Run CCleaner for cleaning and registry.
8.Do a full scan with everything at once.
9. Quarantine or remove the threats found.
10.Wait until each program is done quarantining or removing the threats.
11.Restart the computer normally.
12. Celebrate if your computer is fixed!

If you can't download the software on your computer regularly then do steps 3 and 4 then do step 5 but, instead of selecting Safe Mode select Safe Mode With Networking. Then do steps 0-9. in order while your on safe mode with networking.

Email me at if you need anymore computer help.