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what to do about a virus on iphone? - Printable Version

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what to do about a virus on iphone? - Nicole M - 04-30-2013 03:50 AM

My mom clicked on a bad link from a facebook message on her iphone then again on her mac. I told her it looked like a virus link but she didn't listen. Now the sender sent a message saying to not open any links from his account. Is there a facebook virus going around right now? What could it do to her iphone? I'm pretty sure she has protection on her mac but I'm not sure.

- Mike - 04-30-2013 03:54 AM

Koobface (the facebook virus) doesn't effect Macs so your fine.

- Mr. Crowley - 04-30-2013 03:57 AM

Koobface.d is the latest worm going around on social networking sites. It does not affect Macs or iPhones. However, it does affect Windows users. I would suggest installing Norton Antivirus 11 on your Mac because you still have the ability to spread Windows viruses. There are also a growing number of Mac trojans.