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Is there a reason I can't set my profile pictures to my avatar? - Printable Version

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Is there a reason I can't set my profile pictures to my avatar? - Kung-Fu Gabby - 04-30-2013 06:38 AM

It either gives me this grey, generic thing that you see next to my name, or it says I can use my Facebook picture. Any way to just use a photo I upload or just my avatar?

Heck I'd take my purple exclamation point back! What's up with Yahoo??

I realize this isn't a parenting question per say, but I'd rather ask here where I know people.

Parenting Question (just for good measure)- What are you doing with your children for Valentine's day?
It doesn't even have an option to upload a photo. :/
Oh well. Guess I'll just have the grey picture Smile

- Forever - 04-30-2013 06:46 AM

I have had that same problem with the yahoo avatar which is why I no longer use one. I honestly have no idea why it does that or how to fix it. I suggest clicking the "my activity" button, selecting "edit my preferences" from the drop down menu and click "update photo". In the little pop up box select "add photo". When you see your yahoo profile page, scroll your mouse over your thumbnail picture and select change picture. Then select "upload" and pick an image from your computer to share. It can be any random photo, even the sample photo's in your computers picture gallery. Double click the picture you wish to upload and then click save. Yahoo will tell you your picture has uploaded successfully. Then, close out and get back into yahoo, you should see the change.

If you do not see the change when you log back in, look to the left and you will see your generic profile pic and your name. Click on your user name and you go to your "how people see me" page. Select "edit my preferences," click on "update photo" and then make sure the picture you want to use is highlighted. Then click "use selected" and it should change immediately. I don't know why but, sometimes, yahoo requires this extra step.

Valentines day is my ten year wedding anniversary and my husband has planned some big surprise that I am not allowed to know about. Whatever it is, our daughter is very excited to be doing it with us.

- C - 04-30-2013 06:48 AM

I dunnooooo, but I for one hate change. Stupid Y!A. I want the colored exclamation points back!!! *tear*

Parenting Question: Nothing special. They might get a small gift or something. I generally wait until the last minute to decide these things.

- thunderingpancake216 - 04-30-2013 07:03 AM

I don't know? Because it works for me. But it was been a pain the other day for me after you asked the other question. But it worked again after a few minutes so I was guessing it was just yahoo been mean lol. Maybe yahoo doesn't like Kung-fun? haha! I like kung fu though{:

- Malik - 04-30-2013 07:18 AM

I have the same problem!

I would rather have my green exclamation point back!

Because they took away the exclamation points, I made an avatar this morning, and I clicked update photo and submit, and it still is not showing.