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Why are Democrats creating jobs for the dead, is it that the dead vote Dem? - Printable Version

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Why are Democrats creating jobs for the dead, is it that the dead vote Dem? - hollowlamp705 - 04-30-2013 10:28 AM

In Senator [Russ] Feingold’s [D-Wisc.] new ad, he features some footage designed to make the argument that his $787 stimulus bill created Wisconsin jobs. One piece of footage features a nameplate being placed outside an office or cubicle, and it appears the person named does not exist – not in voter databases, nothing on Lexus-Nexus, no such person on Facebook or other social media. In fact, the only Elizabeth Ackland that could be found in Wisconsin died in 1877

- MyOpinion - 04-30-2013 10:34 AM

Lol.. guess the Dems are going to be digging up the dead again for this election... Don't they ever stop being stupid? ha ha ha ha!

- Erraticgoose708 - 04-30-2013 10:36 AM

Getting desperate for something to attack are we? Everyone with any sense knows that when creating ads unless you are showing a "Public Figure" you have to use generics. Unless of course you get a written models/actors release and pay a fair bit for the rights to use their name or image.