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Hectic Life is Stressing Me Out? - Printable Version

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Hectic Life is Stressing Me Out? - LifesHard - 04-30-2013 12:23 PM

Im 17 and I know im not alone in being stressed out, however my unique circumstances obviously effect me differently and the weight load im carrying on my shoulders right now is worrying me in terms of my health. I study two courses, level 3 plumbing on mondays, level 3 media production from wednesday to friday, and I my passion is boxing and I do it monday, wednesday and friday. Im currently directing a music video, im organizing and deciding everything, juggling that between training for my first fight on the 31st is tough. Problems constantly arise during filming if its deciding shots, keeping the story consistant to just finding out my actor can only work for 6 hours on the final day of shooting and we have 3/4 left to shoot. I finished training today, I went to the gym STRAIGHT from shooting location on 4 hours sleep as I was planning the video last night, usually im starving for food but I starting eating and had NO appetite, almost felt sick. More and more problems keep arising and im scared for myself and my parents keep telling me your stressed which is unusual and freaks me out more, all of this combined with the fact I have no money so cant afford the new trainers I need, or the boxing boots I need to compete or the money needed to get my social life back on track by going out with friends. I need advice please, thanks.

- Ken Williams - 04-30-2013 12:30 PM

Let me explain the world, there is a self-centered view and an "other people centered view". When you hear the phrase "That person is so self-centered" it is used in a negative context, which means they don't give a rip. However there is no way to avoid being self-centered, because that is how you do anything.

You say you have a lot of activities, which is good. You have a lot more activities than some people. What you should do is learn to develop your "other people" centered view. The words you should use are "he", "she", "they", "Mr. Parker", "Mrs. Jones", "Mayor McMullen", etc. What can you say and ask about them? There really is a lot.

Existentialism is about noticing the significant along with the insiginifcant (about people), that is how we enjoy the world. What did your friends say about current events or films or music or politics? Whenever you comment on what he/she/they said, you are giving somebody a point of existential credit.

People love to be noticed, that is how you get invited to a steak dinner or a barbeque or a night of films and drinks. Good luck!

Dr. Ken Williams