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steps on selling home made apparel on the net? - Printable Version

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steps on selling home made apparel on the net? - fangsup - 04-30-2013 02:13 PM

hi! i own a Twilight fan site, and me and my other admin members are trying to sell Twilight fan shirts online.

are there steps and techniques from the first thing an online entrepreneur should do?

im worried about too much orders from customers and a limited number of t-shirts. and the payment and delivery, too!

ugh this is a lot for a thirteen year old to handle, i need help guys!

- howtosecret - 04-30-2013 02:16 PM

This is a really loaded question! Smile First, congratulations on your entrepreneurial spirit! Never stop that!

Yes, there are definite steps you need to take.

I will assume you have a pretty good fan base right now. I know Twilight is a huge series - my 11 year old daughter is a religious reader.

Let's FOCUS on your questions about too many orders, limited number of t-shirts, and payment...

Have you looked into They allow you to create your own merchandise and sell it. They take care of the payment processing, actually creating the merchandise and everything. You wouldn't need to worry about getting too many orders, actually making the tshirts, or even the delivery. (Actually, on I think you do have to provide the merchandise - look into it.)

There are probably loads of other sites like out there. Just google the term "make my own t-shirt".

You are at the ripe age for learning how to be an entrepreneur! To learn more about it from conception to marketing, you can get a free ebook at the site below!

Good luck to you and your friends!

- Jordan - 04-30-2013 02:24 PM

There are a ton of scams out there saying you will get rich, but I havent found any of them that work.

So far, the best I can share with you is what is working for me. I am not going to say I am getting rich off this either, but it does give me a few extra bucks every month for doing just about what I would do for free anyways.

If you have a MySpace page, you are familiar with social networking sites, why not get paid for having one? If you surf the net at all (and obviously you do) you see tons of ads everywhere you go, why not get paid for looking at them? You also probably have a lot of friends that wouldnt mind a few extra bucks either, so why not help them out and in the process, help yourself out?

Here are a couple of links you might consider checking out. Free to sign up, no cost to you at all. No credit card needed, a paypal account is free to get if you dont already have one, and the only thing you will need that for is for them to send you money. You never have to pay anything. You dont have to sign up for "free trials" or anything like that at all. These links will take you to a place to earn money for just clicking on ads and/or just having a profile at a place like MySpace!

By referring friends you will also make a commission for everything that they earn too! You can earn free money, and make even more when your friends are making money too! Smile

This is no scam, it probably wont make you rich (though it isnt impossible). I do not own any of these companies, I am just letting you know what is working for me, thinking you might benefit from it too.

To sign up for the social site (its like MySpace, or Facebook, or any of those, except you get paid when people visit your page.)

To get paid for looking at ads.

Here's a great forum with tons of great political, religious, and other information that you might find interesting as well!