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How to make money from facebook ? - Printable Version

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How to make money from facebook ? - Amir Freed - 04-30-2013 06:10 PM

Is there best way to make money from facebook without spending any amount if yes then please explain it ?

- Max - 04-30-2013 06:11 PM

It all about Social Marketing?
So what exactly is Social Marketing? In simple terms, social marketing is like using word of mouth on a very grand scale. It provides an excellent top of funnel platform for attracting new clients directly and indirectly. It can turn friends, prospects, and customers into your best sales staff.
Most business owners and managers are familiar with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. Most are also familiar with the goal to get fans, likes, shares, follows, retweets, and etc. The trick is knowing just how to implement a strategy to obtain the goal. Social marketing is not just an extension of traditional advertising and marketing or a website.
Social marketing is a vast opportunity for interactivity and takes advantage of the natural motivation of people for sharing and reciprocity. The interactivity of the visitor naturally turns them into sales and lead generation referral partners. As opposed to pushing out traditional sales-hype driven content this new marketing channel allows a company to interact with the visitor and leverage the interaction to dramatically increase brand awareness, lead generation, and sales.
In addition to the more common techniques used to grow fans, friends, followers, and etc. (to be covered later) a higher converting method of using Social Marketing is a referral program. A smart referral program can short cut the funnel time cycle and create pre-qualified leads along with additional advocates for your brand.
Ideally a referral program works in conjunction with your social media sites as well as your other online properties. Any web page, landing or sales page, or even a Facebook tab can be used in the process. Take a look at the offer image to the left. See the "Invite Friends, Get $10"? This link, when clicked, asks the visitor to enter an email address. It could also drive them to a Facebook tab page where the visitor will "like" the page and receive an offer. This offer then provides the visitor with an opportunity to receive an additional reward for sending a reward link to a friend. Here is a sample post that an interested visitor might use.
All you need to know how to do social marketing properly.

- PeaceHeart - 04-30-2013 06:20 PM

there is no way of making money through fb.......... try some other web services

- Ifath - 04-30-2013 06:23 PM

Find ur frnd's secrets,,Black mail them,ask as much money as u like :-P

- Amir - 04-30-2013 06:27 PM

Make more then 1000k friends, insert your blog or website as a post in facebook, On this blog you are getting huge traffic, with this traffic you will make money, by displaying third party adsense, chitika, adserve, adhitz, etc