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How can I tell my best friend that her behaviour is really annoying and upsetting me? - Printable Version

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How can I tell my best friend that her behaviour is really annoying and upsetting me? - Erin - 04-30-2013 08:48 PM

My best friend Lucie and I have known each other for about 5 years (I'm 16, and she's 16 in August). Both of us are quite shy, not that pretty, and not that popular. Last year, she switched schools from our all girls school, to a mixed school, but we still see each other regularly. But recently she has been really p*ssing me off. For New Year's Eve, she got invited to a party. Afterwards, she rung me to brag about how drunk she got, and about all of the guys she made out with. She also posted the photos all over twitter and facebook, and she acts like it's an achievement. I made some sarky comments about how it's nothing to be proud of, but she just said "you're jealous because nobody invites you". I was furious. And she's been to two parties since then, and the one two days ago was the last straw. There are photos on facebook and twitter of her grinding on and basically dry humping this random guy, and there's one of them doing body shots. She seemed so proud. I've never seen something so classless and disgusting. She's 15 too. And yesterday she kept trying to ring me, presumably to brag about it. I'm sick of her behaviour. How can I tell her that what she's doing is really upsetting me, and that I think it's wrong?

- BobIzam65 - 04-30-2013 08:54 PM

She's a teenager. Won't listen until she gets b*tch slapped. Tell her to f*ck off until she's fixed herself.

And don't mind about being harsh. Having one less friend won't hurt much when that friend isn't a good one.

- Larissa - 04-30-2013 08:56 PM


- IpLeAtHe5ThH - 04-30-2013 09:08 PM

Then you don't need a friend like that. You need a friend who isn't going to be mean to you when you are trying to protect them.

Pretty soon she is going to have another name for herself around school and it isn't going to be a nice one either...

You need to flat out tell her bluntly what you think and show her, Her pictures and point out how bad they make her look in them. & If after you do that and she doesn't stop it and rubbing it in your face per-say then. Tell her you can't be friends with someone like her and end the friendship.

I know it will suck majorly and hurt but it's the best thing to do. You wouldn't keep a boy who was doing that to you would you? So why would you keep a friend who is suppose to be there for you and listen to you and help correct them when they are wrong but simply don't care.

I hope everything works out for you. But you don't need someone who is going to drag you into the gutter with you.

Let her hang out with her "New" friends and when she gets her new nickname and comes crying to you just turn and walk away and tell her you warned her and told her so.