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Do You Think the Media Has a Large Influence of People today, In Our Society? - Printable Version

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Do You Think the Media Has a Large Influence of People today, In Our Society? - thatace09 - 05-01-2013 12:54 PM

Do you think the Media (advertisements, actors, actresses etc.) have a large influence on people in our Society? Such as kids, teenagers, or adults? How do you think the media influences us? (clothing styles, what phone to get, what diet to be on, etc) If you disagree please explain why, if you agree please explain why, what and who.

- Tom J - 05-01-2013 01:06 PM

I know media plays a huge part in reinforcing stereotypes.Such stereotypes are then carried by social actors (i.e. judges, lawyers, politicians, and teachers.) These actors help continue the reinforcing of the stereotypes until it becomes a socialized norm. An example is during the late 40s and 50s women were advertised as homemakers, even though many women were helping in the work force and not just in the home. Years later this image has continued to influence society thought on the role of women, it has grown outside the advertisement and into our minds. Even today when women rights are so fiercely fought such views continue; see any Holiday ad where the "mom/wife" is doing all the holiday cooking while the "dad/husband" watches TV or is at work.

- Amanda - 05-01-2013 01:17 PM

As far as clothing and trends I think the media has a large influence on our society. However, I think the media should stop getting blamed for promiscuity among teens. Pregnant girls are always blaming a tv show for their situation because they don't want to admit that they made a mistake. Instead, they lay the blame on television. Same with drinking and drugs. Only a stupid person would change their behavior to fit that of their favorite character on a tv show.

- idk - 05-01-2013 01:22 PM

like totally