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whats the point of having a lot of followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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whats the point of having a lot of followers on twitter? - sammi3wammi3 - 05-01-2013 02:34 PM

why do people always want like 10000000 followers???? do you get something special if you do?? i don't understand why people give shoutouts and stuff like that. can someone please explain???
10000000 was an exaggeration its just that people want to have A LOT of followers
the reason im asking is because some of my friends are constantly posting things like OHH NO I LOST FOLLOWERS! or FOLLOW ___________!!! and stuff like that and i was just wondering why. i have 6 followers and im ok with that!!!

- JOHN C - 05-01-2013 02:38 PM

They feel like they are really important when in reality they are very very lonesome!

- Jazsanty - 05-01-2013 02:46 PM

hoping to sell their products and services.

- seesaw - 05-01-2013 02:59 PM

if you're spending time posting things then duh u would want them to be read
and they prob want to get famous and popular
some people are just attention-hungry

- ~marisol~ - 05-01-2013 03:10 PM

they give shout outs to a person knows they watch that show so they'll be glad their friend/family thinks about them i am not sure about 10000000 followers

- GrandUser1000 - 05-01-2013 03:11 PM

With the population of humanity increasing rapidly it becomes difficult to be known, to be out there, popular, remembered. For many, the internet is the key. Or is it? Who really wants to know what someone is doing every second, minute, hour, day of their life? Parents? Close relatives? Stockers?

I would think the ultimate reason is to get themselves out there. Expose themself to the world via the World Wide Web. When you follow someone on twitter you receive updates when that person posts something new. Its like signing up for an update list. You get informed when the person you are following updates something.

We have already lost information about past events. The World Wide Web, sites like Twitter and Myspace, are our new ways of recording our life. It is shared with anyone with access to the World Wide Web.

- - 05-01-2013 03:14 PM

People that do that are idiots. They typically have something to do with marketing, real estate, making money some other way, and/or are bots. They add followers in hopes of other people following them back. This gives them an "audience." They can then spam their audience in hopes if improving their ego or wealth.

The truth is, adding a ton of followers is pointless if you actually want to gain knowledge from twitter, because you can no longer follow the discussion of a small subset of people without adding them to lists in order to organize them.
Oops, I answered (the non-existent) question 'why would they want to follow a ton of people?'

- Tschanna B - 05-01-2013 03:25 PM

i have a Twitter mysel and i love gettin lots of followers. mostly its just ppl wanting to get there status read by LOADS of ppl around the world. and yea to get famous or some such.

- Blacktwisted - 05-01-2013 03:33 PM

i have no clue....

- corbypc12 - 05-01-2013 03:49 PM

they get more famous and have more people knowing wat they're doing!