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Why is my girlfriend being distant? - Printable Version

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Why is my girlfriend being distant? - Mitt - 05-01-2013 02:58 PM

We've been dating 7 months and as recently as a week and a half ago we had a fight about how she feels guilty because shes giving all she can give right now and I felt as though it wasn't enough. This fight has happened twice for the same reason in the last seven months.

We both attend a university and went on an amazing date Wednesday night, had a sleepover thursday night, and another amazing night on Friday. She lives quite far from our school so she left saturday morning for the holiday. I sent her off with a smile and a kiss and everything was gravy. Thats about where it got weird.

We skyped and she was super short and dry with me. Texts and phnone calls have been more of them same. When I text her good morning or goodnight or I love you her responses are only "you too". And then we wont talk all day. This has been happening since saturday. Is she testing me while shes at home? On her social media pages shes her normal bubbly self interacting with everyone...but me.

If I choose to call her out on her being distant, intentionally or not, I risk bringing up the fight that we just got over. If I dont call her out, theres no doubt in my mind she would not make attempts to contact me and she would continue treating me like a stranger. Any advice? This is tearing me apart
We got over the fight almost immediately* Or so I thought

- Jessica - 05-01-2013 02:58 PM

It seems alittle weird. her being your girlfriend she shouldnt be treating you that way, she has no right to get mad at you and argue with you when its HER fault for making you feel like this. Honestly there is really no other way to get through this problem other then talking t her about it. But if you send her message or call her then you should just come out telling her exactly how you feel, tell her that you feel like shes being distant and that bothers you, if she gets mad just tell her its her fault for the way shes been acting and the weird way shes acting. If it ends up ending just know that there are plenty of other women in this world one that will treat you the way you should be treated.

- Love Life!! - 05-01-2013 03:03 PM

I think she is just ignoring you. You know girls do that to test guys. But I really feel that her behaving like that is mean and rude. So, what do u do now?? U just cant bluntly say why are u ignoring me? Probably ot will result in a fight. So, my suggestion would be texting her something like, why is my sweet (her name or just say gf) ignoring me?? Am i really that bad??lol.Smile
Just put it that way and do put a smiley or something like that so that she doesnt take it wrong way. That way u put ur point and even avoid the bullet.

- Sadcat - 05-01-2013 03:19 PM

Isit because she caught you staring at girls? well she sounds like my boyfriend, who later told me he doesnt love me. :/

Maybe you can ask her if there is anything upsetting or worrying her? If she says nothings change and all them thing, then shes lying and I feel she may just want to be with you until she find someone else. Sorry