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How to react when someone gives you the silent treatment? - Printable Version

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How to react when someone gives you the silent treatment? - Linda J - 05-01-2013 04:19 PM

I never know what to do when people do that. Some of my friends are like that. I was getting over an ended friendship because my friend started to completely ignore me that another friend suddenly blocked me on facebook and is completely ignoring me now. It's not like her. I know her boyfriend doesn't want me to talk to her because I saw him with her best friend but I'm shocked that my friend so easily has started to treat me the way she never treats anyone else. I don't know what to do?! It's humiliating. Is there a mature way to react or should I just ignore her back?

- colossalpie524 - 05-01-2013 04:26 PM

In many cases, if uncalled for, the "silent treatment" is just code for someone desperate for attention. The best way to approach this situation is to get a message to your friend - something along the lines of "Look, I care about our friendship, but I'm not going to chase after you or beg you to be my friend. If you ever want to talk, I'll be around." And don't talk to her again until she approaches you. Don't give in to her immaturity and continue giving her attention - show you care about her friendship enough to give her a chance, but not so much that you would disrespect yourself to do it.

Find a way to put the ball in her court, and if she doesn't accept, then she's not worth your time. Otherwise, just accept that she's probably not worth your time and move on immediately. Plain and simple.

- J-Dawn - 05-01-2013 04:34 PM

Generally in this situation, it's best to just ignore her. People who give the silent treatment are generally drama queens who want attention. They think that by giving you the silent treatment, you'll be all like, "I'm sorry!" and "Please talk to me" and all that.

- Nick - 05-01-2013 04:37 PM

Dress up in a stupid costume, follow them around and do everything you can to annoy and embarrass them. Try slapping a custard pie in their face, or throwing water balloons at them

- dqn17 - 05-01-2013 04:52 PM

I usually just go on as normal, if i see them ill say hi or what not and if they choose to not respond, their loss. If you give in and play the game, youll be part of the problem. Personally if ive dont what i can and the person chooses to continue to ignore me, im ok with living life as long as I know I tried.

- Erica - 05-01-2013 04:53 PM

cut your ties and move on.