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How Can I Promote My Book? - Printable Version

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How Can I Promote My Book? - CandySweets - 05-01-2013 05:57 PM

I wrote a book and it hasn't been published yet, nor have I brought it to an agent or publisher. I was wondering if I should promote it on any blog sites or social media sites before I attempt to find a publisher, because maybe if I have followers/likes it will grab the book attention. Is this a good idea? And what sites can I use to promote my book?

- Jake - 05-01-2013 05:58 PM

A free blog like Google's may make a worthwhile dedicated site for the book, optionally you can spend $112/yr for a custom domain name a $60 - $96 paid host may be overkill.

See if any off these resources help

Write and get review sites
Teenink - For self-published authors
Mibba - young writes share. pier reviews of poetry, short stories, novels, scripts, and screenplays
Youngwriterssociety - Poetry & Writing Community
Authonomy - booklovers

- tltfaas_2000 - 05-01-2013 06:09 PM

John Locke is a famous Kindle author who says he used his blog to build an audience and sell his book. This can work very well for a self published author but it isn't necessary if you get published by traditional publishing company.