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Parents who let kids have a Facebook but get upset at offensive things on newsfeed? - Printable Version

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Parents who let kids have a Facebook but get upset at offensive things on newsfeed? - ThornBird84 - 05-01-2013 08:55 PM

I have noticed this a lot lately. Kids younger and younger being allowed to have a Facebook. I was shocked when I discovered a once college social networks site became a junior/senior high school social network site. But now kids as young as 10 are being allowed on it.

Now, that's up to the parents. And I am not going to judge. Personally, my kid wouldn't be allowed on an ADULT social network site until she was.....and adult.....but that's me.

What I don't understand are parents who get bent out of shape and upset because their kids start seeing rude, inappropriate, offensive things on their newsfeed. To me that's like taking a kid to a rated R movie then getting mad a Hollywood when the characters start selling drugs and cursing like sailors.

Facebook was designed to be an adult site. Not kids. Kids can use it. But people can't be expected to censor themselves on a site that was meant for them.

Adults behave themselves in public around children because it's common courtesy. But, in the privacy of our own homes, browsing on a site that is meant for people 18 and up, we should not have to censor ourselves for the sake of "little eyes" when those "little eyes" have no business on Facebook.

So, like I said. I really don't care if parents let their kids have a Facebook. But why let them then get mad at what they might see?
If you don't believe me that Facebook was designed to be a social network for college students, look up the history. That's all it was in the beginning. It was never an elementary-high school. Just college.

- HiThere - 05-01-2013 09:07 PM

Because how could the world, which revolves around their child, not censor their statuses and post only cartoons and flowers on fb just for little johnny?!?!

- Bridgett236 - 05-01-2013 09:20 PM

AMEN!! I don't have an answer but, I wanted to say that I agree 100%. I have kids ranging from 6-15 years old... they have no business having access to social networking sites. It is for adults and should be approached as such. I constantly worry that someone's child/children will come across one of my posts, ending in a nasty confrontation between myself and angry parents. It's nonsense.

- KikiRose - 05-01-2013 09:26 PM

that is true if parents are going to let their children on social networks meant for adults they should be prepared for what their children might see

- Spike X - 05-01-2013 09:34 PM

I agree with you one billion percent.