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Is Sarah Palin feeling a little uneasy about her rhetoric now? - Printable Version

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Is Sarah Palin feeling a little uneasy about her rhetoric now? - Fanaticalcream481 - 05-01-2013 11:42 PM

She might be feeling a teensie bit defensive since she posted a 8 minute video on Facebook defending her extremist violence encouraging rhetoric. Maybe ol' Sarah is seeing her presidential ambitions circling the drain? It wouldn't take much for Obama to put together a campaign ad superimposing Sarah screeching "RELOAD!" over a picture of Gifford being gunned down.

Those who live by the right wing craziness die by the right wing craziness.

- Save Yourself - 05-01-2013 11:46 PM

No she hasn't done anything wrong

- A BAAW WOW CAAW - 05-02-2013 12:01 AM

Never mind all that...

She suffers from 'Americanism' so what do you expect?

- Extreme American - 05-02-2013 12:08 AM

Be concerned about your own hateful rhetoric.

- Lady Laissez Faire - 05-02-2013 12:19 AM

The viciousness coming from you guys is backfiring on you, as we speak.
But go ahead and continue the attacks.

- Epitome - 05-02-2013 12:23 AM

She shouldn't be. She is no more responsible for what happened than Obama or any other politician. Blame the shooter and stop this hate.

- Book Check - 05-02-2013 12:37 AM

yes. Did you hear her comment about the Arizona shooting? She says we ought to settle our differences peacefully at the ballot box (that is good) BUT she turned around and said hateful rhetoric has always existed in American politics and thus implied that it should not be toned down. She contradicted herself.

- Mike - 05-02-2013 12:39 AM

Yes, but Sarah wasn't the only politician or commentator that was using combative and inciting rhetoric. People on both side were, though those on the right had greater instances.

- Galio - 05-02-2013 12:42 AM

Palin wants to remain controversial and divisive. That's how she's making her living these days - preaching hate and fear.

- ashley - 05-02-2013 12:43 AM

Her rhetoric is nothing compared to Obama's. He actually called for "punishing enemies" and "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun."