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what are some advancements in computers that are going to happen soon? - Printable Version

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what are some advancements in computers that are going to happen soon? - cody w - 05-02-2013 01:45 AM

- joewillgo - 05-02-2013 01:47 AM

There is always ads on Security.

- R Shirlen - 05-02-2013 02:03 AM

augmented reality on android: see the video running on google's android platform in the source section below.

got it. now imagine a bluetooth (or something of better bandwidth than BT) headset augmenting your reality as you walk down the street (as opposed to using the LCD screen as is shown in the video). every address (and potentially other people you know) are highlighted with text/icons. your google search can be via hand movements in space (you are wearing MEMs sensors on your hands). you wave your hand and bring up a browser. you say "indian food". the google search results are longitude/latitude tagged so the search results are instantly relevant to where you physically are (and perhaps where you've been and some personal profile info). so 5 restaurants come up on a map on the side of your augmented reality visor that are within walking distance of your location. you select one of the restaurants with a finger wagging motion in front of your face. it brings up the restaurant's menu in a side bar. you peruse and decide to go there. it navigates you there via audio and overlayed map in real time. along the way, people who are your facebook (or whatever the big deal social networking site is 5-10 yrs from now) contacts are shown as dots on the map. you see a friend is fairly close. you tap on his/her dot on the map and a text/phone icon is brought up. you tap the text and send your friend a text invite to meet for dinner. as you are walking, your friend's location is also shown in real time (you would be able to choose to advertise your position - when and to whom).

ad to this the fact that you will be getting targeted ads as you walk by stores (so profile based, location based, etc.). this (the ads aspect) is why google knows they must *own* mobile computing (they must outright own it, just playing in that space won't be enough).

mobile is where computing was always meant to be - the final era of computing (so the progression has been from large rooms staffed by expert technicians, to your desk in an unconnected form, then in a connected form, then to your pocket in a connected *and* location aware form).

you will never not know where you are or where you are going anywhere ever again. nor will you not ever be able to instantaneously get an answer to any question you might have anywhere...ever. an inflection point in human development.

the mobile computing tidal wave will break in 7-10 yrs.