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How long will it take for fb to bring the pic down? - Printable Version

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How long will it take for fb to bring the pic down? - kewl kid 99 - 05-02-2013 03:50 AM

Theres this guy edited a pic of me saying im a slut and all and posted it on facebook which of course is not true . I had reported it on fb. I was wondering how long would it take for facebook to take action. Help me please !

- 203 - 05-02-2013 04:00 AM

Facebook claims to have over a billion users worldwide.

That will mean a lot of petty sh!t to deal with over things like, I don't like this comment or that comment or this picture or that picture, for them to trudge through.

Don't expect it to be instant

- Jason - 05-02-2013 04:14 AM

Why rely on facebook, call the cops and get him what he had coming to him. Cyberbullying is considered as a major issue in the states since it causes a lot of suicides of teenage kids, I'm sure the penalty for his dumb ass action will be the same as the U.S.