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what does it mean when you where flirting with a girl through her pictures and statuses on facebook? - Printable Version

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what does it mean when you where flirting with a girl through her pictures and statuses on facebook? - shagus - 05-02-2013 04:45 AM

( She was calling me babe ,and boo etc ) And on one of her facebook statuses she told her facebook friends that she would be off for a month so everbody comment and i inbox her asking her if we could hang out during that period of time and she would say things like definately ,sure ,etc , but it end up being it was the wrong time due to work , we even had arguements about it but she end still hanging with friends ,why would she say sure an definately i also didn't kind of come off as the alpha male , but we still talk periodically but it like dead and i am thinkin about asking her to a restaurant on Valentines but idk I want to to bring the spark like the being because now she believes i am easy to get ...

- thedamnmushroom - 05-02-2013 04:48 AM

Means someone lacks discretion and tact, and one should wander away if they can't keep their business private.

- Alex - 05-02-2013 04:56 AM

You need to surprise her... maybe if your old enough take her out for like a midnight dinner under the stars and you could pull some moves like the 'Give her your jacket' or the 'Yawn' trick

Anyway hope I have helped

- Daniel - 05-02-2013 04:58 AM

When your Flirting with a Girl Through Pictures and Status it Means you are Showing your Love For Her