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Is their a way to make a facebook without your parents knowing? - Printable Version

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Is their a way to make a facebook without your parents knowing? - Oliver Lara - 05-02-2013 09:32 PM

I want to make a facebook account so I can connect with friends. But im afraid my parents will find out my profile page.
My parents are also on facebook and im afraid they will find me on facebook

- Chris - 05-02-2013 09:33 PM

Just make your profile private and delete browsing history. You have to be 13 to have a Facebook page.

- Boss_Mustang_302 - 05-02-2013 09:46 PM

You can set privacy setting on your Facebook account, and block certain Facebook users from seeing you page and posts. As for them finding out offline, be careful of whom knows about your page, and what history you leave on you device(s).

- Smokies Hiker - 05-02-2013 09:58 PM

It won't matter what you do to hide a facebook account if you make one without your parents permission. That's what parents do! They know everything because that's their job! It would be especially easy for them to find you because they already have an account. If they suspected anything at all, all they have to do is contact the ISP and ask for the logs of websites visited using the modem or router. They could track their personal time of log a on to facebook, and anything outside of that would belong to other family members in the house.