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Libertarians and Conservatives, do you not understand what “fox news logic” is? - Printable Version

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Libertarians and Conservatives, do you not understand what “fox news logic” is? - mawduce65 - 05-03-2013 03:56 AM

BTW, a Libertarian is someone who is too cowardly to admit they vote GOP and hide behind the constitution. You guys get no points for that whatsoever.

Fox coverage of the last election was a complete failure. The polls were wrong, the pundits predicting the race were way off and they argued among themselves when the network announced that Obama took Ohio.

When other news sources and networks have to correct fox for the lies and false statements made, something is clearly wrong. To blindly deny that fox lies and provides false information to its viewers is just childish.

Watch this, how a fox lie cost Romney in a debate.

- quietConqueror060 - 05-03-2013 04:06 AM

This Libertarian doesn't watch any cable news (not much tv at all) and normally vote for Democrats if there isn't a Libertarian to vote for. I find all news outlets to be suspect, CNN isn't always correct.

Turn off the tv and turn on your brain. The only thing worse than a liberal is a social conservative. The media gets us to debate on issues that don't matter much and we ignore the large problems, spending trillions we don't have and the fact we live in a police state with a huge central government. Most everyone believes the lie that we are free men.

Why would you vote for a guy that increased our debt by $6 trillion and is financially raping the kids with all this borrowing? The US is a nation of heartless bastards that hate our kids and are making them pay for our current governmental services. Time to pay the piper.

- GOD - 05-03-2013 04:11 AM

Really? I didn't vote for Romey...and hide behind the US Constittuion?

no, we actually defend the US Constitution, something you libtards did when bush was presdient and now that obama ispreisdents you defend obama....infringing our constitution and anyone who quesrions him its a loony teabagger who hates him cause he is black...

- Intellectualtwig992 - 05-03-2013 04:16 AM

Fvck Fox News, and Romney too...

Who is in blind denial here? You want to expose the tiniest amount of truth regarding Fox News, but completely ignore all the truths regarding Obama...

I'll watch yours, if you'll watch mine -

- El Tecolote - 05-03-2013 04:23 AM

I was a conservative LONG before Fox News came along, and as a matter of fact, I was long before Rush took to the airwaves too.

The fact that you guys have to explain conservatism by invoking Fox News or Rush just shows how FVCKING INTOLERANT you are of a viewpoint different from your own. I wish you guys would just put a sock in it sometimes.

- Thought Control - 05-03-2013 04:30 AM

I don't watch FOX News and I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party Candidate. It's true I did vote for some Republicans, but a couple of them deserve my vote and in some cases there was no Libertarian running as a candidate for the office.
And that "cowardly" accusation is ridiculous. Don't embarrass yourself.

- chanelno5 - 05-03-2013 04:44 AM

Did it every occur to you that many people don't rely on media unlike you obviously? It's called thinking for yourself. By the way CNN, MSNBC, and all other networks lie. It's the media that's their job. Instead of feeding into the bs you should try to turn off the idiot box and form your own opinion.

- tehabwa - 05-03-2013 04:48 AM

No, a Libertarian is someone who thinks government should ONLY defend the borders and run a court system; many of them vote for Libertarians, not for GOP.

As for why fans of Fox "News" never notice how they are constantly being lied to, or notice when the lies of today contradict the lies told last month, I don't know what to say. It puzzles the rest of us.