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what are good jobs for people with limited skills and social anxiety? - Printable Version

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what are good jobs for people with limited skills and social anxiety? - Niki - 05-03-2013 04:00 AM

I have social anxiety and my skills are limited are there any jobs out there for people like me?

- dancerchic012 - 05-03-2013 04:11 AM

office work, cleaning offices, condo cleaning, babysitting, dogsitting, daycares, volunteer at pet stores, dish washing at where u dont really have to deal with a lot of people.

- C - 05-03-2013 04:23 AM

The mere fact that you have limited skills does not mean you're limited to those skills. You can learn more. Of course social anxiety it's an impediment but that isn't a fixed thing either.Since your brain is plastic it means it can always improve.
In order to defeat the fear of social situations you need to face them. You have to learn to feel the fear and do it anyway. You may ask how you can actually do that. Well you get yourself involved in a social situation and try to interact with people. You might fail several times, but if you keep trying harder every time, you will begin to observe small changes. Social anxiety can be defeated it just takes a lot of time, action and trying again and again. There is no way around it. Don't numb yourself with medication, therapy can help but in the end it goes back to facing your fear directly.
Learning about how people think and about social habits can help too.

So my answer to your question is ANY JOB.

-pick what you want to be and fight for it. make sure you are specific, do the research, make a specific plan to getting there and most importantly ACT -- there is no easy way out or any effective
medication at this time; until the scientific world doesn't fully understand the functionality of the human brain no effective medication can be created. Although the media would have us think otherwise the truth is we are only scratching the surface in understanding the human mind and brain, so you're only option is TO NOT ACCEPT YOUR CURRENT STATE AND ACT ON CHANGING IT.
-the mere fact that you don't fit the job description now only means you have to train more

- Charlotte M - 05-03-2013 04:33 AM

Hi... I am a bit socially anxious also...
I am currently studying at college and I'm finding it difficult to get through it!
One of my courses requires me do do a presentation for 5-10 minutes in front of 10 people and I'm terrified I'm going to shake, look totally embarresed and then not be able to get my words out!
I've had a bit of cognitive therapy but I don't fink it has helped a gr8 deal!
I'm trying to tell my self "I am a strong confident women... I prefer to be liked, to be perfect... but if at times I'm not then it's not the end of the world andit just means tht I'm a normal human being!" Tht is a sentence tht 1 of my therapists told me to say to make me feel a bit more confident!
I'm also trying to put myself in to situations tht make me feel slightly anxious so tht I can hopefully over come my fears so for example, I try to answer questions in class tht I wudn't normally answer because I'd be scared of not being able to explain myself properly and then people thinking I'm weird.

I have recently been finking why am I at college?
I'm not going to get a good job because I'm so anxious all of the time! I want to do well in life but I'm just so confused about what to do for the best... Stay in college or leave???
I want to look in to working at a day care or somfing because I love working wiv children but I'm worried about accomplishing th qualifications I'm going to need first...

I hope my experiences hav given you comfort... You are not alone so don't feel like you are the only one because I often do! Best of luck in your future x