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Will my life ever improve? - Printable Version

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Will my life ever improve? - Clare Sheldon - 05-03-2013 04:07 AM

OK, I know I'm probably wallowing in self-pity to some extent, but right now my life is pretty unbearable and is becoming more so. I have Asperger's Syndrome, Type 1 diabetes and severe depression, all of which combined together prevent me from being able to work (BUT - I do genuinely want to work). Unless they find a cure for at least the Asperger's Syndrome, I don't see any prospect of my life improving, because employers only seem to want to employ outgoing,, confident people who have excellent interpersonal skills (which I certainly do not). I am sick of being labelled a second class citizen by the British media and the government and find myself thinking more and more about suicide. I have just tried to persuade my GP to prescribe me a higher dose of antidepressants - he instead suggested changing it, but I got the distinct impression that if that doesn;t work, he won't be prepared to increase the dose. Actually, from things I have read in the newspapers about GPs being pressurized into prescribing less, I think it is really just a cost-cutting exercise. I am totally fed up, and feel like just giving up on life. How can I feel better about myself?

- Shaun - 05-03-2013 04:22 AM

Be positive is the first thing. Try to achieve in other areas such as writing a novel as i can see your writing skill is good. Also have you heard Professor Stephen Hawking - read:

He can't talk yet he is one of most famous professor on Earth!

Good luck

- D.D. - 05-03-2013 04:26 AM

You asked , so I am going to give you my outside opinion. You don't have to thumbs down it if you don't like it.
First, I would go here, and find someone there that you can work with and let them help you remove, resolve all your emotional pain, insecurities, social pain and unconfidence, etc. everything that bothers you. It works quickly and effectively. It can also build confidence quickly.
Just try a couple sessions to see it work for yourself. Once something is resolved it doesn't come back.
That is better than any other form of therapy there is.
Next, I think Gp's do over prescribe prescriptions known not to help.
Finally, your diabetes could be contributing to your depression, and along with the right healthy habits, you could be tested for vitamin, mineral or other sensativities or deficiencies.
I would say go to and find some doctors that you can talk to about all this as well, since the site is made by someone who cured her son of autism, which is even more difficult than yours. so, those are the things I would say go do. You don't have to agree at all. best wishes , anyway. happy new year

- Princess Hope - 05-03-2013 04:42 AM

Salam alikom...

Medication won't solve ur problem, and antidepressants have serious side effects especially on higher doses, so don't blame ur GP.

ur depression is coz of lack of work, but why thinking only of employer work?
I've once saw a film about a woman who had the same syndrome, yet she had a great farm with cows and milk.. she invented new ways of making cows walk in paths in a smoother and faster way since she found that cows think in a way similar to those who have autism.. she also invented special toys for autistic children.. she's genius indeed, but she paved her own way alone....

so you're a remarkable person, you've ur own way of making things and dealing with them.. don't take it lightly and start ur own project.. and throw behind government nonsense!

live and enjoy life the way you are.... have a nice christmas ^__^