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Is it possible to switch to a different sixth form? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to switch to a different sixth form? - evans - 10-12-2012 09:49 AM

I'm 16 years old, I get my results in 9 days (23rd of august), I been accepted to enter a 6th form place in my old school providing i get the right results. However, I have seen a different course (Creative Media Production) at one of the cities colleges that I actually WANT to do, not just pick 4 subjects because i have to.

What i want to do in my future- I want to set up a business, simply, I've got plenty of profitable ideas in theory and I'm waiting until I'm 18 to get the necessary funding. So anything in the next 2 years has to be something that i want to learn because after that, its down to business!

What I want to learn- I want to learn how to design "Stuff" on computers, I'm already pretty good in Photoshop, Sony Vegas, adobe after effects, Google Sketchup and plenty of game engines such as unity 3d, unreal etc

One level of a game I made when I was 11-

Advantages I can see at staying at my current school.

I have friends there for a start
I have booked to go to New York on a school trip next year (my parents wont go out of Europe so to go to America is a big deal to me)
They offer a young enterprises course which SHOWS you have to start and run a business

Disadvantages I can see at staying at my current school.

None of the subject that I'm taking I really want to do, they all touch something I'm interested in but none teach me what I want learn.
Subjects for A-level and my problems with them:

Product Design 3D- I would hope to learn how to effectively design products on the computer and by hand however, as shown by previous experiences with the teacher that would be teaching it (not trying to brag) I know more about using computers to design and test products so i wouldn't really be learning anything.

Business Studies- the GCSE course I did was called 'Starting a Business', I do not know how to start a business, yes we learnt about profit margins and gaps in the market but nothing a bout registering a business, getting funding and keeping accounts. This is why I'm not so hopeful about the A-level course.

Economics- Never done it so i don't have an opinion.

ICT- Seems good but none of the area's in the criteria touch what I want to learn, they are all excel databases and letter formatting which to be honest, I don't want to spend 2 years learning databases.

Advantages I can see of going to do a Creative Media Production

I will learn what I want to learn about, therefore I will be happier and these two years won't seem like a waste.

It touches on the area's of each of my existing options that I want to learn:
3D modeling, sticking to briefs - Product design
Animation, Game engines and Web design - ICT
Learn the gaming and social media industry - Business (could be apart of my future plans)

Disadvantages are no existing friends going to the college.

My questions:
Is it possible to switch colleges this close to the start of term? (3 weeks-ish)
Anything else that I've missed on the pro's and cons of going to a new college?
Id like to here your opinions of what you would do?

Thanks if you read all that!

- Lucy - 10-12-2012 09:57 AM

It may be possible to change colleges, it will depend whether there is room in the new college for you. Contact them as soon as possible to ask this.
You only listed one disadvantage, which suggests that this is somewhere that you really want to go. Not knowing anyone will not be a problem as you will find lots of people in your situation who will want to become friends.

You need to choose what is right for you.