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How can I tell if a guy is gay? - Printable Version

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How can I tell if a guy is gay? - Amelia - 05-03-2013 06:52 AM

So there is this guy at my school he is very active in the theatre program. He seemed like he was flirting with me but then he stopped. Recently he has been posting pictures of himself in skirts and wigs on Facebook. in the pictures he is always at school rehearsing for the school play so he could just be messing around. Then he posted something on a friends wall saying the he isn't a boob guy. What does that mean does he sound straight? What do you think? Serious answers please no rude comments I just want you opinion!

- kittycat - 05-03-2013 07:03 AM

It's hard to say without actually knowing the guy. He does sound like he has some homosexual attributes but that's stereotyping.

- ? - 05-03-2013 07:15 AM

Not many guys at school age are sufficiently comfortable with their sexuality as to publicise themselves in girls clothes. Not being a boob guy may just mean he likes bums better or long legs or long hair.

Even if he likes wearing girls clothes that doesn't necessarily mean he's gay, transvestites are not all gay by any means. He may even be transsexual. He's being open with the issue so I think your best bet is to come right out and ask him.

Good luck

- lifeslikethat - 05-03-2013 07:26 AM

What does it matter? If he's gay he's not interested in you as a GF, and if he's straight he quit flirting with you so he's not interested in you as a GF. Either way the result is the same.

Lots of straight guys aren't 'boob' guys. lol. Turn ons are unique to the individual. There is absolutely no way to know his sexuality unless you ask. Maybe he likes guys and girls?

Do yourself a favour and worry about your own sexuality and stay out of his.