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How do I get a job in social media? - Printable Version

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How do I get a job in social media? - LilyHeartsMakeup - 10-12-2012 09:51 AM

I'm currently a junior in high school and I'm really interested in this field. I don't know what career would be best suited for me though. I would like to help companies expand more and become more involve with the community through social media. Help the companies have a good rep with the public and find ways to help the company improve more. What should I major in college? Journalism, marketing, computer programmin???

- nina wilson - 10-12-2012 09:59 AM

hey see
for this.
you'll see the links specificly about this on the left and the right side so you dont have to go and search everywhere
searched and visited personally.

- Pat - 10-12-2012 09:59 AM

This is definitely not a computer programming related field, so don't even worry about that one. Wink

It sounds like you'd like to use social media as a tool for companies and brands to engage more deeply with their audience. This is a great development in the marketing field in the recent years because companies are realizing that brand loyalty and customer engagement is a two-way street; you've got to be able to facilitate conversations online and keep people involved in what you do. Social media is the perfect avenue through which this can be achieved.

Having said that, you can certainly major in marketing, advertising or public relations. In terms of the jobs, social media marketing is a growing function at most companies; a lot of large corporations will have these teams in-house to perform social media functions. Another option is to go the agency route and work for an advertising agency or PR agency. Many of these agencies will have social media specialists who will help their clients (who are the corporations mentioned above) achieve social media goals.

For now, make sure to be very familiar with the dynamics of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blog sites (Wordpress and Blogger), and bookmarking sites (Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit, etc.). Try and find an internship with a reputable company for social media marketing. Usually, they ONLY want college students for these roles so it shouldn't be too hard to find. You can also certainly do part-time social media positions for local companies while you're in school to help strengthen your resume and acumen.

Good luck!