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Could you please explain everything in the entire world to me? - Printable Version

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Could you please explain everything in the entire world to me? - Grand Jim - 05-03-2013 10:03 AM

Every single thing.
Thank you.
You don't know how much this means to me.

- Red - 05-03-2013 10:14 AM


- Amateurlettuce707 - 05-03-2013 10:24 AM


- BohemianDreams - 05-03-2013 10:33 AM


- ησ ηαмє - 05-03-2013 10:44 AM

Because I can.

- Tj - 05-03-2013 10:51 AM

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

- Bradley P - 05-03-2013 10:59 AM

Only the world? As in, only this planet, that we call Earth?

That's actually easier than it sounds.

Basically we, as life, are a blink of an eye in the long history of life itself. In the blink of an eye we humans have grown from a few thousand struggling to hunt food to over seven BILLION dominating the whole world, at its expense.

And for all that, we're a blink of an eye. We're bacteria on the surface of a speck of dust, just relative to our solar system, and even less than that on the surface of a single atom relative to our whole galaxy. Don't even get me started on the whole visible universe.

In the grand scheme of things, we're trivial. Until we're not, because we're life, we're alive and we've drawn near to being intelligent. This is where it gets real.

We only THINK we have intelligence. We only THINK we solve problems when most of the time, most of us live to USE and exploit problems at some level.

We still have global warming, still have nuclear weapons, still have religious extremism, still let crony capitalism abuse us way too often. We still have kingdoms and theocracies where women are treated as far LESS than human beings. We are still at the mercy of disease. We are still at the mercy of money, petroleum, and the Mass Media.

We only THINK we have intelligence, because we THINK but don't back it up by doing things that solve problems. This is on average by the way--on the level of nations, not individuals. As individuals we can be brilliant people, but in groups we are as weak as the weakest link and as stupid as the dumbest link.

We think we have it in us to destroy the world--when the truth is, the world will do just fine without us and will carry on and support _some sort_ of life long after we've gone. No matter what we do. Biology will prevail. Physics will prevail. Chemistry will prevail. We haven't changed one bit of that. We can't even get psychology and/or economics to budge--and those are the "soft" sciences, lacking in hard, mathematical proof outside of what's statistically _probably likely_.

What we are, in truth.....are a barely social, barely competent bunch of near-naked, hairless upright apes who mostly don't know what we're doing and do it passably well in spite of ourselves. We are aces at tool use, but our infatuation with our toys is going to lead to warfare and/or anarchy again sometime soon, count on it. That'll happen because on average, we hate each other and hate ourselves for it.

- Monika - 05-03-2013 11:01 AM

Here we go..
First came the Big Bang.
Earth was now present with optimal options for life.
Life develops bum bum bum and then we have some dinosaurs.
A big asteroid crashes, the dinosaurs die, the alligators, turtles, and snakes live.
Evolution happens over billions of years, and we have now a bigger brain than other animals, and we are now way more intelligent.
Time goes by, and we go from creating a fire with sticks to making guns and weapons.
Just about a little after B.C. we have the Roman Empire with an extreme amount of power.
Sh*t happens, and they eventually end up as a smaller country known as Italy.
In 1492 a guy called Christopher Columbus is traveling by boat trying to find another route to India, and eventually bumps into America.
In 1789 the French Revolution begins, and a not so tall, yet very tactic French guy named Napoleon Bonaparte tries to take over Europe.
He eventually fails, and everything goes back to normal.
An unsinkable ship sinks due to collision with an iceberg, ship was the Titanic, and it happened in 1912
In 1914 Germany gives their try to take over the rest of Europe, doing a pretty good job, but get their butts kicked by the British, French, and their allied friends. The war, known as World War 1 ends 11/11/1918 with the treaty of Versailles.
Then after giving Germany a huge war fine, solely blaming them, not allowing the Germans to have armed forces anymore, they get a new leader named Adolf Hitler in 1933.
World war 2 breaks out in 1939 with Germany trying to take over the world again, killing just about every single Jew they could find, plus many others they didn't like causing the holocaust.
The US, France, and Britain fights with the soviets to take Germany down in 1945, after they succeed they split Germany into four pieces, in the end becoming East Germany(supported by the soviets), and west Germany(supported by the rest.
At the same time the Cold War between America and Russia begins. No actual military forces were used.
Not so long after, in 1955 a black woman called Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat in a bus in America, in favor of a white person - the beginning of the end of segregation in the US.
1989 Germany becomes one again, and the Cold War ends.
Two airplanes hit the twin towers in New York in 2001, about 3000 people dies.
And last but not least, January 2009 Barack Obama was inaugurated as the president of the US.

- David - 05-03-2013 11:16 AM

Yes my friend everything.