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Humans really do suck at life? - Printable Version

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Humans really do suck at life? - Timmy - 05-03-2013 02:58 PM

Look at us. What are most of us going to do tonight? Watch the Super Bowl Game, eat like a buch of Pigs and go on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, etc) to show off so we feel like we exist in our lives. Ugh. What do you think?

- Muhammad Hassan - 05-03-2013 03:07 PM

Stop generalizing, what would you rather live as, a foreign alien species from Mars?

- Fred P - 05-03-2013 03:10 PM

You may be correct, but we humans are really great at DEATH!

- Fred P - 05-03-2013 03:19 PM

Yeah, we are great at destroying things too!

- happygolucky - 05-03-2013 03:22 PM

I understand... I not into that social media. I deactivated my Facebook because it was depressing me. The Super Bowl, i didn't even know was today! Lol i'm not into that kind of stuff.
I like reading and playing piano.
i think some people have a lot of bad habits and they grow up where eating a lot and social media are normal in life.