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Getting My Music Out there!? - Michael - 05-03-2013 05:22 PM

I am a 22 year old singer/songwriter and I want to know How do I get more people listening to my music. Specifically on Sound cloud. On twitter I guess you just follow loads of people to get them to retweet. The only people listening to my stuff are family and friends on facebook. People can make there own minds up but I genuinely belive I have a talent for songwriting and I have been told by quite a few people, I belive I can make an album tomorrow that would get in the charts. Dont want to sound big headed but I mean u gota belive in yourself cause if you dont who will. I suppose this post is an oppertunity to advertise my stuff so Il leave a link but would just like to know any tips of building a bigger network of people in the music buissness and genurally just getting people hearing my stuff. All my stuff is mainely rough demos but I'm looking to go into the studio to record and release an EP at some point in the near future.!/michael.pulmanjnr

- Tasha - 05-03-2013 05:31 PM

you tube

- Scott - 05-03-2013 05:34 PM

computers weren't always around, so do what Elvis did, what Frank Sinatra did.

Copy all of your music onto a CD or something like that and hand them out at a busy place like walmart or something, that get's your voice out there quick. All it takes is 1 big break and next thing you know, you're headlining Royal Albert Hall.

Keep the dream alive

- Leonard - 05-03-2013 05:44 PM

Whatever you do, do not sell your soul. For that is the only way people, really, make it big. Try to use YouTube as a platform. First if all, put out your best work first because that will show people what you can really do. Following this, I know it is very annoying but it works; advertise your music on mainstream songs (which are all garbage). People will look at your work, trust me, I just feel inclined to check those musical talents out.

Trust me on this, people are bored with current artists. They are all the same, cut from the same cloth as you may say. They have generic lyrics but amazing production. Look at the likes of 2 Chainz, he is talentless but yet he sold 200k+ albums. Imagine if you were actually talented, how many more albums would you sell. Trust me there is a market for anyone who is new and brings something knew to the music industry.

Last message, don't sell your soul. Remember that on your journey.

- LizzardRAAWR - 05-03-2013 05:59 PM

MySpace (people still use it!), YouTube and if you record an EP you can put it on Spotify. They accept unsigned artists' music now =D I also write music and was wondering the same thing a couple of years ago, I go to acoustic nights (look around your local area) and clinics (guitar and drum ones - if you don't play any instruments then try mixing with musicians, they might be able to help out with stuff if you got to know them well) at local studios. If you don't play an instrument then I'd suggest learning one, probably guitar. I've always known I wanted to do music so I learnt as many instruments as I could (well I say learnt - I'm still learning haha XD).
Good luck with your music! =)

- Paul - 05-03-2013 06:11 PM

alt 1. Start a band, go on a tour in your nearest city of choice, get seen by a label guy.

alt 2. Get someone with contacts to listen to your demos, ex me. Its sort of what I do.

alt 3. Use your own money and record the songs properly in a studio.

Paul Raz