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How to handle being cyber-stalked and stalked outside too? - Printable Version

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How to handle being cyber-stalked and stalked outside too? - corporateanalysis365 - 05-04-2013 02:26 AM

I am being stalked by this girl who is bent on ruining my life. She already did though, she stole the guy I had a crush on, turned all my friends against me, made people hate me. I had an emotional breakdown and now am being treated like an undesirable in my town. She basically stole my life. Bad things are happening to me, like people on the street say awful things to me. She is an ex-coworker and she bullied me to death that I had to quit. I have PTSD now...and haven't been able to keep a job. She is trying to make me delete all of my social media sites by having her friends bully me. I'm going to kill myself, my life is ruined.

- Kathleen - 05-04-2013 02:29 AM

Common sense - if you're being stalked, you call 911.

- Kobieta - 05-04-2013 02:35 AM

If the stalking is physical or there is physical harm to your life (threats or otherwise), you should call the police. If you have proof of threats (in writing, via online) then use them to enforce a restraining order. If the threats are particularly harsh, there may be laws in your area against that and this person can be charged. However, perhaps it's not a bad idea to delete your social media profiles. I don't really see the benefit in keeping them if your life is this rough because of them. If anything, by deleting them, you are giving these people zero opportunity to harass you.

I think you need to frame your thinking differently. This boy was not "stolen" from you; he never was yours, and you cannot control people's feelings towards others. Stop being hurt by this, because you are giving others an opportunity to attack you. You also need new friends, people who won't "turn" against you.

How old are you? I assume you are young so moving away is not an option, but I think this is the time to stand your ground and not allow people to walk all over you. I have always had a no-bullshit approach when growing up, and no one messed with me. Perhaps its time to do the same. I understand you have PTSD, so maybe now is the time to avoid these harmful people entirely, and just focus on being good to yourself. Relax.

- H - 05-04-2013 02:46 AM

What Kathleen and Kobieta said! I will add you should at least talk to the police about all of this. If there is proof you can print out, take that with you along with any medical records that support how she has hurt you, and ask if there is a restraining order for preventing a person from maliciously maligning you as she has. If they cannot help you, look for help from insiders, 'normal people' who post on and those sociopaths who enjoy talking about their illness.

DO something good for yourself toward resolving this or remove yourself from this environment if it is such that it seems unlikely to change. If you are a minor or otherwise unable to move, inform a school counselor as well as your PTSD therapist if you have not. You can contact a crisis hotline for guidance. You might also find support and ideas for help at

She very much sounds like a sociopath, possibly a psychopath, who won't stop terrorizing you until you act to stop her. The best advice I've found for dealing with sociopaths is to be boring and offer absolutely nothing that interests them, including control over you. Be indifferent and most of all stay away from her. Do not interact with her no matter what others may say. Be prepared that she may continue to spread gossip about you and say or do just about anything to make you interact with her or to hurt you in some way but DON'T DO IT.

A sociopath will try to keep a connection between you established until she can no longer manipulate and toy with you. A psychopath randomly loses interest and finds new victims. The difference between the two is a sociopath can feel remorse though it usually for them, while a psychopath is incapable of feeling remorse. You were simply her next victim, unlikely the first and unlikely the last.

Create distance as much as possible and act now. Check out, which can teach you how to work through and overcome rough life experiences.

You will be a much stronger person for making these efforts. You CAN survive it. You got this far :.) I'm several decades old and survived my mother who did what this girl is doing to you which led me to help others.

You can turn this around for yourself if you can change how you feel so that you will no longer be a victim. We victimize ourselves when we allow ourselves to feel like a victim, so self-perception is the first thing to change. We grow a thicker skin, find humor in life's challenges and we don't waste time getting even. We move forward.