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Is this even a normal diet? - Printable Version

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Is this even a normal diet? - melissa - 05-04-2013 07:00 AM

Okay so long story short, I am attempting to recovery from anorexia. I am not underweight ( am 5'9, medium/large bone frame, and 135 pounds) so my goal is not necessarily to put on weight even though I know I probably will do a little.

I have really struggled with following a meal plan and I do much better on days that I force myself to eat with others so that I have to kind of give in to the social pressure of eating if that makes sense. My nutritionist told me to not count calories and to just eat what I feel like, but that worries me because I feel like either eating nothing, or eating EVERYTHING. Anyway, she told me to just eat my three meals with my roommate and eat exactly what she does...Well, here is a typical day of what my roommate it normal? I haven't been eating "regular" meals for over a year and I don't even remember what that is like.

-Large bagel with cream cheese

-Granola bar, candy bar, or piece of fruit

-Large burrito made with protein, rice, beans, veggies, guacamole, cheese, etc.
-tortilla chips and salsa

-Odwalla juice drink

-A large bowl of pasta with alfredo or marinara + garlic bread...OR
-Three pieces of pizza + salad OR
-Veggie burger on wheat bun with veggies + french fries OR

I feel like that seems like SO much...and super unhealthy but that might just be my ED speaking. I can't even tell.

- me - 05-04-2013 07:01 AM

Yes. Unlike so many other meal plans people post, this sounds reasonable and normal!!!

- Mr. Feeny - 05-04-2013 07:04 AM

looks very normal, SAD but normal

*Standard American Diet (which is pretty poor)

- Sarah - 05-04-2013 07:11 AM

It really depends what is large for you.
For me this meal seems a bit unhealthy
You can change the dinner with a salad or something light like soup or fruit salad.
Also for the snacks i would suggest eating fruits and veggies or nuts (amount if nuts would be as big as your thumb). Instead of drinking juices and sodas, drink water, it is much better for your body!
Just try to have more natural products in your diet like fruits, veggies instead of tortilla and other junk food. Also eat wholewheat bread products. It is best if you can cook the food yourself instead of having take outs and frozen food.
But hey I am no expert Smile

- Billie - 05-04-2013 07:20 AM

Cream cheese for breakfast is super unhealthy. Maybe write down everything you and your room mate eat and then show your nutritionist. The amount she's eating seems right (if a little more than usual) but it's best to fill up on nutrient rich foods like vegetable soup.