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How to talk to this girl i am really into? - Printable Version

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How to talk to this girl i am really into? - Dominic - 05-04-2013 07:54 AM

This is it. Couple of weeks ago in January I was talking to this girl while walking home from school. I ask if she has a facebook and she said yea. I sent her a friend request and she never accepted it. So today I want to talk to her again. What can I say. Can I say hi dou remember me and ask her about school. And ask for her cell number help me

Dominic, 16

- xena - 05-04-2013 08:04 AM

Dominic, i get where your going i had the same problem with this guy but later i found out that he just wasn't going on his Facebook for awhile and that he would be on soon. maybe ask her if she got your friend request?

- P1mpin Curly - 05-04-2013 08:19 AM

Just talk to her and become her friend. Don't let her think you just want her body good luck brah

- Micol - 05-04-2013 08:34 AM

Do you think she is pretty or good looking? If you do tell her, and tell her what you love about her like her eyes, her hair, her smile? Girls love being complimented but don't make your self sound desperate and clingy, just make a joke out of it like 'hey you never accepted my request' then laugh about it, this makes you sound really laid back and cool. Which is what girls like, good luck.Just remember, your in to her and she could be in to you so why not talk to her?