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Change Siblings Mindset? - Printable Version

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Change Siblings Mindset? - Jake - 05-04-2013 08:23 AM

Help needed! Im in a family business. I work with two of my siblings. My brother and I make the widgets, my sister does the paperwork. Its straight forward. When my dad started the business he didnt want to be breathing down everyones necks so 20 years ago my dad instilled the philosophy at our company "as long as the work gets done, i dont care what you do on your free time".

That was fine and dandy 20 years ago when everyone was still a teenager. Now that we are grown up and dad is taking on less of a role, I find myself the only one attempting to go above and beyond. Both siblings I work with are glued to computer games. World of Warcraft to be exact. So in their free time, you guessed it, they play amongst themselves and the family business is now falling apart.

After making widgets, I do all of the basic tasks needed... handle clients, sweep the sidewalk, sweep inside, take out trash, clean the kitchen, etc etc. I also manage the website, the computer network, the social media, advertising campaigns, etc. I do it because no one else cares. If i dont take out the trash then it simply wont get done. Ive tried not taking out the trash before and it will pile up for weeks. My sister is the only one who uses the womens restroom. It hasnt been cleaned in years. Ive painted the outside of the building last summer to spruce things up in 100 degree weather with a scissor lift .... I could go on.

My two siblings do not feel they need to do anything beyond their job function, which in my view as a flaw of my dad, has never been stated. Sister does paperwork, brother does widgets. Past that nothing else gets done because job functions are not clearly defined.

My dad is OLD now. Almost 80. He shouldnt be the one to take out the trash. But he wont change his philosophy and wont give direction anymore and my OLDER siblings are now taking advantage of this.

OK, Heres the question! How do I change my siblings mindsets to work with me and to start lifting a finger? The company is failing. There used to be 10 of us. Now just 4. My wife just left the biz because it cant afford her salary anymore. We have less and less widget orders daily.

Its an uphill battle, but I need advice on changing my siblings mindset to that of wanting to work, wanting to do more, wanting to save the business. Four years ago I brought up the idea of banning computers during work hours. That did not go over very well. I need tips. I need advice! Please.

Ive tried some basic Carnegie and NLP, but has gone nowhere. Older siblings wont listen to younger siblings. Thats where Im at right now.

- Parapraxis - 05-04-2013 08:33 AM

How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?
- it doesn't matter, the bulb has to want to change.

If they don't see/feel there's a problem or conflict, they're not going to change. If you change yourself, they may change, but we don't know if it will be for the better. They have to see some self-interest in making a change. You could bring in an accountant to explain the books to them and how soon the company might fail, perhaps that will be an awakening.