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How do I get over my obsession for this girl? - Printable Version

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How do I get over my obsession for this girl? - Calvin - 05-04-2013 08:28 AM

I'll try to keep this short as possible, but I met this girl on an online game about 5 years ago. We started out as friends, but it went to a point where we confessed that we strongly cared about each other and had feelings for one another. We never made it official since I insisted that she should live her life to the fullest rather than commit to someone that lives 2000 miles away like myself. She was 3 years younger than me and at the time that we met, I was a second year in high school. I was skeptical about the relationship we were having because of the age difference and the fact that she was very persistent in talking to me everyday. But we continued our relationship by having our daily web cam chats and it just felt amazing, at least for me. So a couple months ago, she finally confessed that she has someone she's starting to date and plenty of honest truths that she's been hiding for a year and this wasn't the first time either. It was painful for me to hear them. But at the same time, I was happy that she brought the courage to finally tell me. As much as I hated it, I still wanted to be friends at least, but there were times where my emotions got a hold of me. I was jealous, I was upset, and I was definitely obsessed. So we had our ups and downs during the last month, and eventually it got to the point where she was completely fed up with it. We made numerous of promises, but the last promise we made was to remain strong and always keep in touch no matter the circumstance. So yesterday she finally decided to block me from every social media, skype, facebook, etc. I blame myself to be honest, and it was likely due to me being continuously poking at her like an obsessive girlfriend and making bad assumptions. There's actually so much more to the story, but the general idea is that I'm stumped. She meant the whole world to me, and she played a major role in several decisions that I've made in life. Throughout those five years, I suppose I experienced what it was like to show love and affection to someone. And during those times, I only had her in my mind. No matter how much I would want to apologize, I'm pretty sure the word "sorry" has lost it's meaning between me and her. I'm just completely lost and unable to figure out what's my next step. I know I should go out more but I'm not completely over her yet. And the saying, you can't force a new love in, really does apply. This girl holds a really special place in my heart (metaphorically speaking). Again, this is just the rough outline of my situation, I could go more in depth such as what we did, and the things we went through together, and the itty bitty details of our conversation from the past 5 years, and our unusual pen-pal relationship, but the important thing is figuring out what I should do now. I love her. And she said that she had "loved" me too, but just not presently. I need help, and it's really hard to say it's over. As long as she is happy, I think I should be okay; I always followed the idea on the fact that if you loved someone, you would do whatever it takes to keep them happy. I've been getting sleep deprived, and I'm not too sure how long I can keep this up. As an engineering student, I know this isn't healthy. Any advice guys?

- john - 05-04-2013 08:36 AM

Uhh dude? Not to sound like a jerk, but you've never even met her. I realize you've probably talked extensively and stuff, but it's just not normal to be that committed to a person you've never met in person.
Anyway, I have a thing I do when I feel like I need to control my feelings.
I stop talking to them. Sometimes, this is a bad thing, I literally stopped talking to a girl I loved deeply for three years, but that's an entirely different situation. If you stop talking to them, but make it clear to them you don't want to be doing this, they'll probably be okay with it.
However, considering she blocked you from everything, I don't think she wants to talk to you. Just focus on it a little less and a little less every day, and you'll eventually get over it.

- Sydney - 05-04-2013 08:44 AM

Woah dude chill how long did it take you write that? A year? You my not so friend have been friend zoned to the maximum no offense a gay guy probably got more action from a girl than you and pick up a hobby that DOES NOT include thoughts of that person like basketball baseball a job and that should probably help a little. Also drop her if she doesn't want there are other fish in the sea