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Should parents be held legally accountable when minors use the internet and/or social media to bully others? - Printable Version

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Should parents be held legally accountable when minors use the internet and/or social media to bully others? - J-lyn - 10-12-2012 10:36 AM

I am doing a debate and I am the negitive side. So I believe that parents should NOT be held accountable. But I need to be able to argue both sides in order to have effective cross examination questions. Tell me what you guys think...
Part of my side is, there is NO way that parents can monitor EVERYTHING their teens are doing on their phones and computer. And even if they observe/know the websites they are on teenagers can still "hide" what they're doing.

- Kathi S - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

Minors do not have good judgment skills so parents should be monitoring what they are doing, that includes computer use. If the child is using the computer to bully someone it is the parents responsibility to know about it and stop it the same as if the child was doing it in person.

- How would I know - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

It's impossible to bully over the internet. Here.. watch..

Give me your lunch money or else!!!

Feel any pressing need to give it to me?

- the Lost One - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

Yes they should be held accountable for their childs behavior on the internet. Maybe they don't care what their kids are doing just so long as the kid doesn't bother them, but this is not being a good parent. Maybe you should bring this issue to their immediate attention and see if they correct the problem, if they don't then I am sure there are laws in your state that govern this type of behavior and you should let thye authorities know about it.

- Excessivethroat058 - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

Yes - the parents provide internet access to their kids, so they are responsible for what their kids do with it.

No - no parent can be aware of what his child is doing 24/7 . (Weak argument, but it's the best I can come up with.)

- KMcG - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

Yes they should, if a child shop lift or vandalizes in the real world the parent is responsible for the damages. Same should be true on the internet. It is a parent's responsibility to supervise what their kid does. I think you are going to have the harder side to argue.

- Kelly - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

Yes. I'm a mother of 3 and knowing what my children are doing on and off the internet is my responsibility. If they are violating rules it is my job to take the proper steps to correct the behavior. If I don't, then I should be held accountable.

- Alicia Omorosé - 10-12-2012 10:44 AM

How will punishing someone for something that another person did seem logical to anyone?
Minors (even though I am one) have had so many leniencies from the law, it's crazy. I could do basically anything my mom will be punished for it. I missed a lot of days of school and the law was down my moms throat not not MINE even though I was the one doing wrong and my mom didn't even know about it. They were gonna fine HER $500 and take HER driver's license away although I am the one that was disobeying the law. That made no sense to me and it doesn't make sense to me now either. If a minor is bullying others on the internet than THEY should be held accountable for it not mommy and daddy, we want to be treated like adults so treat us like adults we don't need our parents taking the fall for our crap... just saying Smile