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HEEELLLPP!!! Ex-Boyfriend acting weird...? - Printable Version

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HEEELLLPP!!! Ex-Boyfriend acting weird...? - TrinaTila - 05-04-2013 10:20 PM

My-ex boyfriend is 23 and Im 18, we dated for about a month and 2 weeks then broke up. It's been 3 weeks since we've seen each other. And he said he wanted to be friends, and I said I would try. Then he mentioned being FWB's, but I said no. And he said okay will just be friends. So We were supposed to hang out on Thursday and I asked him if while were out if it was okay if he could buy me alcohol and he said "no, I dont wanna" I asked why and he said "I just dont want to", I made a joke saying "You suck, No Fun" and he said "Yea whatever". Later I asked him if he was mad and he kept saying "I dont care" "I could care less, dont worry" "I forgot all about it". and hes being mean to me. I didnt do anything wrong, he wanted to be friends so thats what I'm trying to do. I'm just so confused. I mean sometimes I make remarks about other cute guys on twitter, but I'm not seeing anyone. Why is he so mean to me all of a sudden.

- Jonathan - 05-04-2013 10:21 PM

I'm like that to my ex-girlfriend. :/ He's probably upset about the break up and wants to show you how upset he is by being a jerk. It's normal, then he'll start asking about the break, he's going to assume that your a bad friends only to make you feel bad. Just ignore him, like she does to me. :/

- Replicat - 05-04-2013 10:25 PM

Maybe he felt like you were using him for alcohol. Next time the opportunity arises show him that you'll get him something in return or you'll pay him back or something. Also, he could have been upset because he cares and was upset because lots of girls get flirty when they're tipsy/drunk and knew that it would suck if you got that way and he couldn't have any benefits when you may tease him? Like he wouldn't want to act on your flirting because he knew you said 'no'.

Perhaps he's just really upset about the breakup. I don't know, I think being friends with ex's just causes problems but that is just me Smile hope things work out for you girl!