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Why does my ex still talk bad about me? What could i have done for him to hate me so much? - Printable Version

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Why does my ex still talk bad about me? What could i have done for him to hate me so much? - Giselle - 05-04-2013 11:04 PM

Okay so i got with this guy and everything was fine for like 3 months, then all of a sudden he breaks up with me and says its because "Im not as pretty as i used to be." im not gonna lie, i was really hurt by that. 2 weeks later his best friend tells me hes been spreading rumors to all the guys, telling them that i supposibly sucked his d*ck and that we had f*cked. After that all the guys in school thought of me as a whore, all the girls i thought were my "friends" turned on me because they thought of me the same way. Nobody believed me, guys would come up to me during lunch asking me "How much i charged" -.- I litteraly had no friends that school year, only one but she left too because she was tierd of my drama with other people. After the school year was over i ended up moving schools. During the summer vacation though, i got a message from my ex telling me how sorry he was for starting all those rumors about me and how he just said it to make himself look good. I accepted his apology and just wanted to move on from it, but today i get a message on facebook from some guy at my old school telling me he's still talking sh*t and came up with even worse rumors about me, knowing im not there to say anything about it. I just don't understand, i mean i don't even go to that school anymore and he still talks bad about me like this ? Even after the fact that i found out he started those rumors, i didnt do anything to try and get him back for it (which i could of done, i had alot of dirt on him) i just dont get it. Its been almost a year ago since we were together & he still doesnt wanna drop the bs, its not like i did anything for him to hate me this much. Why is he doing this?

- Michael - 05-04-2013 11:17 PM

The more he tries to hurt you, the more he loved you.
All guys are that way, give him time.
-Good luck

- Krystle - 05-04-2013 11:29 PM

Dont even waste ur time thinking sbout it. Block and delete anyone and everyone from that school. Move on snd forget that shit. If u play into it and respond then ur giving them what they want. A response. A response shows that u care what they think ot say about you. You know its all b.s. So honestly hunny u shouldnt give a damn about what anyone says or thinks. What matters is that you know the truth. Dont play their games and give them the satisfaction of seeing it bother you Smile

- Twitch. - 05-04-2013 11:45 PM

Honestly I would use all that dirt you got on him.. because its been a year and you don't even go there anymore!?. Oh I would have stopped being nice a long time ago. I'm sorry you gotta deal with that shitt I couldn't ..
But that's just me. Idk sweetie..
Good luck Hun.

- Serene E - 05-04-2013 11:52 PM

Dear, it has nothing to do with you - HE'S AN ASSH**E!!!! That's the reason. He's immature, selfish and horribly mean. That's it, that's the answer.
Ignore all of it. That's all you can do.