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If I strongly suspect someone of using drugs should I warn others around them? - Printable Version

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If I strongly suspect someone of using drugs should I warn others around them? - Mr. J - 05-04-2013 11:15 PM

We have some mutual friends and several mutual acquaintances. Can I warn anyone via Facebook, E-mail, etc..?
There's the signs: manipulation, asking for money, paranoia, taking friends outside of city limits to buy sudafed, and talking bad about anyone who has found them out.

I have called the police about this person.

In my state I think drug users are considered a "protected population."

I'd like to warn others to stay away. What can I do?

- hotwheels122287 - 05-04-2013 11:17 PM

youd better get all the facts before you start spreading something that may or may not be true. but really..... its not your business, its not hurting you or anyone else around you. so id say mind your own business.

- Richard Degomez - 05-04-2013 11:25 PM

I really don't see how that would be any of your business. Unless they are your close friend or family member, I would just leave it alone, does it really affect your life? It will just bring problems.

- Natalie - 05-04-2013 11:37 PM

I really don't think you could confront the person, but maybe keep a close eye on him and tell friends-but don't be too much of a stalker. If its serious, tell your friends but don't tell them to STAY AWAY FROM HIM just tell them to be careful when they are near him. But, if its not a close friend or family member, dont get into it!

- Linda - 05-04-2013 11:41 PM

If it's crack or meth then YES. If it is marijuanna then no.

- Susanne - 05-04-2013 11:53 PM

i am in case like yours, the neighbors got something going on. it is always new lady next door or guy. sudafed is not against the law.
it cough medicine.

rule in life, don't gossip about people. they might be come after you
later on. it is like someone is drinking, maybe they are drinking.
not using drugs.

you need new friends, you do not write anything on facebook, or anywhere, they can sue for character defamation. it might be hard to
get money out of you. i would not do it.

instead ask to go to church with you.

- dorsal - 05-05-2013 12:01 AM

This country treats drugs and drug-use like witch-burnings. The puritan roots are still there.

Smoke weed, get caught, end up with a felony. Now you're branded like an outcast-reject (although you're no different than anyone else) And people LOVE any chance to feel superior to someone, or be able to label, cast-out, discriminate or reject. They LIVE for it.

The puritan creeps would LOVE to get their hands on a stoner hippie boy and make SURE he can't go to school, get a job, be around children, vote, travel, own a gun, etc etc.

Since you've decided to play 'investigator' on your own, who knows, it's like a roulette wheel.

Maybe he's just a smart kid from a bad family who wants to see if he can make crystal meth. These types of outlaws are all over. Guess what, they give up and become computer engineers.

Maybe he's a destructive asshole who sucks everyone into a black hole. Those people appear punctually throughout life. Tell your friends you avoid them. If they can't or don't, then they're weak and nothing can help them anyway.

Unless you're talking about somebody actively pushing drugs into people's faces, or there are patterns of violence arising from it, or one of your friends is being adversely affected, then you should resolve the problem yourself, without the police.

The police are not your friend. They are AS destructive as the drugs themselves. They take a drug situation and blow it up about ten times worse. They shatter families, imprison kids, brand and label them, it's a huge industry, it's a vicious circle, and believe it or not, it's no one's fault. It's an experiment.