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What are some of the best free ipod touch 4g apps? - Printable Version

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What are some of the best free ipod touch 4g apps? - Keely - 05-04-2013 11:20 PM

I just got an ipod, and i love editing pictures! What are some of the best free apps for it? Thanksss Smile

- Ayesha Muzaffar - 05-04-2013 11:21 PM

I have only one app for editing pictures that is "pw lite" it's free and it's amazing !! Here are sone more apps (free) you would love!
best ones are : My fitness pal (lets you loose weight or gain) Videolicios. (an amazing video designer (app essential) Tiny tower ( an addicting game) Zapd (make your own website!) Mental mouse (very cool game) South park millionare (my favourite game) And the Best of the Best is Line birds ( a very awesome game) Wattpad (if you write and are a keen reader) iBooks (if you love to read!) Trust me you won't regret !!! Big Grin Happy free app installing!! Btw try skype, facebook and tumblr too if you use social networks!! Hope this helps!!