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Who is in the wrong here? - Printable Version

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Who is in the wrong here? - raspyfight718 - 05-05-2013 12:08 AM

Okay so I want to know who is in the wrong here.

I posted an 'ad' on facebook basically saying "I make cheap websites, get your quote now!" and a lady came on and wanted a quote for an online 'sex shop'. I said sorry I don't make adult websites. She then went on to say thats very rude and discriminating. I then said that it was because I was under 18, because I am, and thats the reason why and that I don't have to accept every job. I also apologized a lot to her. She then said "If i know that I wouldn't have asked, but your profile says you were born in 1980 (Which it did but ohwell)". I then said it wasn't me who set up the account and that I was once again, very sorry. She then said 'not happy at all. I will be telling my 5000 friends about this. You lied and thats illegal". I then once again said sorry.

So who is in the wrong here? Should I just forget about it and move on?

- Emily - 05-05-2013 12:09 AM

move on, anyone with any sense won't care. any business (especially a private business or service) has the right to refuse service to anyone at any time. gas stations can refuse you, any store can ask you to leave at any time, etc. so you can deny her even without good reason. and in this case, you even had a legitimate LEGAL reason. sounds like she's overreacting.

- J - 05-05-2013 12:16 AM

That lady is in the wrong

I seriously doubt she has 5000 friends maybe the imaginary ones on FB

She sounds like a loon

- Missy - 05-05-2013 12:19 AM

Wow. Drama mama. Not you, the lady. Just because you run a business does not mean you have to accept every client. It's not discrimination. You didn't say no because of race or gender. Maybe its something you don't agree with or feel comfortable with. In your case I think its smart to decline the material because you are still a minor. Yeah, maybe you lied about your age on Facebook. It happens. And why on earth would you care if she told her 5,000 pretend internet friends. Let her. She might get sympathy because people like to bitch. You only need to apologize for any inconvenience once. You didn't do anything illegal so it isn't going to get you into any kind of trouble. Just shows she has nothing better to do. I can pretty much guarantee it wasn't a huge inconvenience for her to send you an inquiry message about her website. Don't let such petty things get to you. You can't please everyone and some people will just never be satisfied. Smile

- livelycarpenter933 - 05-05-2013 12:29 AM

Well, you need to do two things:
1. Fix your date of birth on Facebook.
2. Make sure you include in your ads that you do not make adult websites.

I hate to say this but I think you were in the wrong here.