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Do guys talk about girls as much as girls talk about boys? (Easy 10 points!!)? - Printable Version

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Do guys talk about girls as much as girls talk about boys? (Easy 10 points!!)? - Marley - 05-05-2013 01:39 AM

Just wondering if guys talk about girls and get nervous around them as much as we do to guys! Cuz girls talk about guys ALOT! Do you guys stalk the girls you like on facebook like us girls do? Do get nervous around them? Are you ever not able to stop thinking about the girl you like?

Just Curious! Thanks Smile

- Bill and Will - 05-05-2013 01:41 AM

Yes it 100% works the same way Smile. I can remember when I was in High School and we whenever there would be a sleepover with a group of guys we would talk about girls like 90% of the time haha.

- Michael - 05-05-2013 01:57 AM

yes they do

- Ben - 05-05-2013 02:03 AM

Yea, but not in the same contexts, guys will tell there best friend that they have a crush on girl or something, when there older its much different, kind of a hands off nothing said but situation understood kind of deal. When guys are older i think there a lot less shy and more aggressive, unless there still virgins or something lol. But, when you get older guys will share war stories about sexual exploits throughout there life. So just as a forewarning any time yo break up with a guy he is pretty much telling every person he knows every things he's ever done with you, embellishing here and there. Yes yes and yes to the last part. I've had a few guy friends with a Facebook stalking problem. Also, I am 25 years old and I think about the latest girl I've been intimate with all the time. Sometimes you get your heart broken, sometimes you don't care at all. Has to do with a chemical in the body called oxytocin. Look it up.

- Faith - 05-05-2013 02:06 AM

I don't really think so but sometimes of your close with a guy he will talk to girls about girls

- lisa - 05-05-2013 02:17 AM

No girls talk about them more.